
After Dark - Operation MOLTEN CARRIER

Published on: 24th May, 2023

The cast kicks back and decompresses, discussing the last Operation and throwing out those spoilers like hot cakes.

Special Guest: Allan W Goodall

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Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. Illustrations by Dennis Detwiller are reproduced by permission. The contents of this podcast are © GiggleDome Productions, LLC, excepting those elements that are components of Delta Green intellectual property.

Speaker A:

Okay, this is our third wind down After Dark session with the cast of.

Speaker A:

Sorry, honey, I.

Speaker A:

I have to take this.

Speaker A:

Thank you for tuning into this bonus episode where we will absolutely spoil the crap out of Operation Molten Carrier.

Speaker A:

If for some reason you're here, but didn't take a listen to the preceding episodes, well, you've made your choice.

Speaker A:

So in what is now After Dark tradition, we invited the original creator of the scenario upon which multicarrier was based to join us.

Speaker A:

That's Alan Goodall.

Speaker A:

Alan, thank you for jumping on.

Speaker A:

Who are you?

Speaker A:

Where can our listeners find your stuff?

Speaker B:

Well, thank you for inviting me.

Speaker B:

This is.

Speaker B:

This is just a wonderful treat for me.

Speaker B:

You can find my stuff on Drivethru rpg.

Speaker B:

Let's see.

Speaker B:

And my website is WWW.

Speaker B:

Nobody does WWW anymore, do they?

Speaker A:

Yeah, no, no, I think that's totally allowed.

Speaker A:

You're still two years away from that falling off.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

It's hyperbear dot com.

Speaker B:

H Y P E R B E A R dot com.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Well, again, thank you for joining so you can help shoulder some of the blame of the terrible things that befell this team.

Speaker A:

I personally really appreciate you taking some of that.

Speaker A:

Some of that off of my plate, so thank you very much.

Speaker B:

Oh, you're quite welcome.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I just enjoyed all of it.

Speaker B:

It's quite a weird experience.

Speaker B:

This is the first time I've heard somebody actually go through one of my scenarios.

Speaker B:

And it's.

Speaker B:

It was enjoyable and a little scary.

Speaker A:

Well, good.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

That's what we're definitely shooting for here.

Speaker A:

Sometimes a lot scary if we can swing it, but enjoyable is the priority.

Speaker B:

Well, it was definitely enjoyable.

Speaker B:

I'm very, very impressed with the.

Speaker B:

The podcast, and I've gone through all the back catalog and you've got me as a subscriber.

Speaker C:

Hey, awesome, Alan, do you have a least favorite part?

Speaker B:

Least favorite part?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

When Agent Sorry Rosen did not use the CIA card, I was like, screaming at her, pull it out, Pull it out.

Speaker A:

I think swinging some weight around is an interesting choice for that scene, for sure.

Speaker D:

That's interesting because in the background, Chris was telling me, you know, are you sure you want to do that?

Speaker D:

Because remember, there may be consequences.

Speaker B:

Yeah, the consequences are great.

Speaker A:


Speaker E:

So are you Team no Pants or are you wrong?

Speaker B:

Well, I'm still wearing what I was wearing.

Speaker B:

Are you wrong?

Speaker B:

So I guess I'm team.

Speaker B:

I'm team pants.

Speaker F:

Thank you.

Speaker F:


Speaker E:


Speaker C:


Speaker C:

Remember when you're in a stranger bullshit, Alan, you're gonna get bullied on this.

Speaker F:

Podcast when you walk into A random stranger's house, and they've got a weird cage and they come over to intercom and say, take your pants off.

Speaker F:

You don't take your pants off.

Speaker D:

Yes, you do.

Speaker C:

Let me just make an observation of who ended up surviving the scenario.

Speaker F:

Oh, man.

Speaker C:

Always team no pants.

Speaker E:

I think the tally's got one.

Speaker E:

One tally on each, so.

Speaker C:

Hey, Eric, I was hoping you wouldn't do the math on that.

Speaker C:

Who pants are you on?

Speaker B:


Speaker E:


Speaker A:


Speaker E:

Oh, sorry.

Speaker A:

Go ahead, Go ahead.

Speaker A:

No, no, you're on it.

Speaker A:

Eric, please.

Speaker A:

Okay, cool.

Speaker C:

You get one more question, Eric.

Speaker E:


Speaker E:


Speaker B:


Speaker E:

How differently did things end up for our group versus, like, your first run of it?

Speaker B:

Your group followed fairly closely.

Speaker B:

I mean, I was watching.

Speaker B:

I was looking for the beats.

Speaker B:

And when you went to the.

Speaker B:

The hot dog vendor and just following along all the different spots, the only.

Speaker B:

The only big difference is that you didn't check out the.

Speaker B:

The receipt in Chinese and you didn't talk to Carson Kovac.

Speaker B:

Now, when I wrote this scenario, it was an introductory scenario for my wife.

Speaker B:

She had never played Delta Green before.

Speaker B:

She'd actually played D and D many years before once.

Speaker B:

So this was her first introduction to it.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

She's been hooked ever since.

Speaker B:

But she played Carson Kovac.

Speaker B:

So she was right there listening into the.

Speaker B:

To the hotel room when the guy died.

Speaker B:

Well, actually, the equipment kind of shut off and then they went.

Speaker B:

What happened?

Speaker B:

And then it never came back on.

Speaker B:

So they went up to the guy's apartment and he was gone.

Speaker B:

But she had a bunch of information that you could have.

Speaker B:

You could have learned as to get a better idea of what exactly was happening.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I tried to nudge you a little bit closer to speaking with her because she was part of the quarantine.

Speaker A:

But, you know, who needs exposition or any sort of direction?

Speaker C:

Not us.

Speaker D:

I think we sent the wrong person to talk to them is the problem.

Speaker A:

Yeah, for sure, because we sent Prentice.

Speaker D:

And Prentice is not a people person.

Speaker E:

No, he's not.

Speaker E:

He's not a people person.

Speaker E:

And he's perhaps a little more concerned with keeping up appearances than probably were useful in that scenario.

Speaker E:

In that part of the scenario, I.

Speaker B:

Think the only part that you.

Speaker B:

You really missed is who actually.

Speaker B:

Who actually purchased the jade idol originally.

Speaker B:

Yeah, we didn't get it.

Speaker B:

Was it was the.

Speaker B:

Oh, is it.

Speaker B:

I forget the character's name.

Speaker B:

Was it Wong?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

The guy that originally was meeting and the first.

Speaker B:

The first guy that the died.

Speaker A:

The first guy.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Is Francis Ng.

Speaker B:

Yeah, in my scenario, he bought it for John Morsley, who was.

Speaker B:

Well, okay, so that's where the diversion goes.

Speaker B:

And I.

Speaker B:

I guess Chris should explain the diversion.

Speaker A:

Well, keep in mind, you know, when I originally tackled this, it was based off of an action, an after action report that you had put on your website for this.

Speaker A:

And so there was a lot of fill in the blank.

Speaker A:

And the first time I ran this was, I don't know, around the time that you first put that report up on the Internet.

Speaker A:

Since then, there's been some shakeups in the Delta Green world.

Speaker A:

Some major players have perhaps changed or even fallen.

Speaker A:

So, yeah, my.

Speaker A:

My adjustment there was.

Speaker A:

Francis Ng actually did work directly for David Young, and John Morsley was more of a wild card, a watcher of.

Speaker A:

Of this, and was using Jerry Wong's girlfriend because she.

Speaker A:

She does suffer from some mental issues.

Speaker A:

And that's how John Morsley can wheedle his way in to puppeteering and controlling others.

Speaker A:

He used her to create the perfect situation with his other hypergeometric understanding of reality to get that Jade idol away from Francis Singh.

Speaker A:

When David Young showed up to collect it at the hotel room where Carson Kovac was listening, Francis didn't have it.

Speaker A:

And this infuriated David.

Speaker A:

And that sort of kicks off all of the events after that.

Speaker A:

In my version, yeah.

Speaker B:

In my version, Francis was actually purchasing it on behalf of Morsley, who was a member of the Fate.

Speaker B:

And the Fade has.

Speaker B:

Well, it's sort of been expunged from Delta Green right now.

Speaker B:

Something happened to it.

Speaker B:

And between 20, between 911 and today, the Fade has been essentially disbanded, destroyed, but heard that it might show up later in some form, or at least Steven Alzeez might.

Speaker B:

Might show up, but he was interesting.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So Morsley was actually part of the Fate, and he purchased this idol without getting permission from Aziz.

Speaker B:

And so in went over and did the purchase of the idol, brought it back, and he was going to do the exchange with Morsley when Young found out about it because he had also been looking for it to do this, to do this ritual.

Speaker B:

And then he went there to the hotel and killed and killed in.

Speaker B:

So that's.

Speaker B:

That's the big difference between the two scenarios.

Speaker C:

Alan, did you make up all of this lore or are these characters kind of from a bigger Delta Green backstory history that other scenarios are based on?

Speaker B:

It's all.

Speaker B:

It's all made up.

Speaker B:

The only, the only part that I took from the what's now the conspiracy book, but was the original Delta Green book was the introduction of the Fate.

Speaker B:

And so at the end, when you Gave the idol to Morsley.

Speaker B:

And Morsley stopped the summoning.

Speaker B:

Assuming, of course, you take that at face value.

Speaker B:

In my case, it wasn't Morsly.

Speaker B:

It was Steven Alzees who is in the Delta Green lore.

Speaker B:

Could be a fraudster, could be a magician, could be an avatar for Nyarlathotep.

Speaker B:

So he could be any of those.

Speaker B:

That's the only piece I took from the game.

Speaker B:

The rest of it was my invention.

Speaker C:

Do you feel like Chris sort of bastardized a beautiful creation of yours?

Speaker B:

I liked what he did in particular.

Speaker B:

I just had some random person pulled off the street as the sacrificial victim.

Speaker B:

Putting the FBI agent in there was inspired.

Speaker B:

I really like that.

Speaker C:

Yeah, Chris is pretty good at his job.

Speaker A:

It just, you know, I'm always looking for ways to up those sanity checks.

Speaker A:

You know, a paltry 1D8.

Speaker A:

Let's bring that up to a 1D10, you know, and put in a friend in place there.

Speaker F:

And to be clear, that was Special Agent Rachel Green.

Speaker F:

Is that correct?

Speaker D:


Speaker F:


Speaker F:

Oh, Special Agent FBI.

Speaker F:

Special Agent Rachel Glenn.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

Son of a bitch.

Speaker D:

We only said the name like a hundred times.

Speaker B:

And that was.

Speaker C:

I'm so sorry for him, Alan.

Speaker B:

She was a complete fabrication by Chris.

Speaker D:

Oh, well, then nobody's sorry.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I think we needed a someone to be snooping around.

Speaker A:

But also I'll always try to put some characters in that might need to be used in a pinch, if somebody falls off a building or something and needs a new pair of shoes to fit into.

Speaker A:

And I think I designed Rachel Glenn to potentially be a replacement character.

Speaker B:

Yeah, I love that character.

Speaker B:

That was something.

Speaker B:

If I were to write this up, and I have no plans to try to publish it or anything, and if I did, I'd grab Chris and do it as a collaboration because I really like what you did to the scenario.

Speaker A:

Oh, thank you.

Speaker A:

Yeah, it's gonna work for a while until Arc Dream decides to re update the entire world of Delta Green again.

Speaker A:

Then we'll have to probably go back to the drawing board a bit.

Speaker B:

Well, considering how long they're still waiting for stuff from Scott, that's going to be quite a while, I think.

Speaker D:

I'm not sure we're ever going to see that.

Speaker D:

Unfortunately, it takes a while.

Speaker C:

Alan, were there any standout moments that you particularly loved from any of the characters?

Speaker B:

Literally, there are probably too many to really mention.

Speaker B:

I mean, I loved all the character interactions.

Speaker B:

Prentiss kept popping up, and he is such a.

Speaker B:

At first, I didn't like him.

Speaker B:

I didn't like Him a lot.

Speaker B:

And by the end of it, I was thinking, you know, he's probably got the best.

Speaker B:

The best connection to all this stuff.

Speaker B:

He's taking it the best of everybody.

Speaker B:

So his coming up and being kind of unflappable was something I really liked.

Speaker B:

But I had all sorts of interactions as I was listening to it that I really liked all the things that you guys were doing.

Speaker B:

At various points, I was very pleased that you were following the scenario pretty.

Speaker B:

Pretty closely.

Speaker B:

Like, you were going from clue to clue to clue, and you weren't.

Speaker B:

You weren't getting too.

Speaker B:

Too lost.

Speaker B:

That was.

Speaker B:

That was good.

Speaker C:

I'll tell you, Alan, we didn't have that impression when we were playing it.

Speaker D:

There were a few points where we're like, where the hell are we doing?

Speaker C:

Yes, absolutely.

Speaker B:

Well, it's got a couple of.

Speaker B:

It's got several moving pieces going on.

Speaker B:

Like the.

Speaker B:


Speaker E:


Speaker B:

Where I came up with the idea was I wanted to have somebody who was.

Speaker B:

Who had access to Mythos magic, which, in delta green is hypergeometry.

Speaker B:

I wanted somebody who had access to that and didn't care that they were.

Speaker B:

That they were using it out in the open and that people might find it.

Speaker B:

At the same time, there's other people working behind the scenes.

Speaker B:

So that you.

Speaker B:

You were trying to piece through two different groups, and I think it was only near the end that you were coming to the conclusion.

Speaker B:

Wait a minute.

Speaker B:

There's two groups operating here?

Speaker F:


Speaker F:

That kind of.

Speaker C:

The very end.

Speaker F:

Yeah, that kind of leads into.

Speaker F:

I think one of my favorite things about this scenario was the.

Speaker F:

I remember right when we finished, I asked Chris, so keep me honest, about where this was sourced from.

Speaker F:

But the idea that if we had not been there, if we had done nothing, this still would have.

Speaker F:

This battle still would have played out, and this ship still would have crashed into the pier.

Speaker F:

And at the end of the day, I was thinking about it.

Speaker F:

I'm like, man, all we really did was cut a body out of a floor.

Speaker F:

In the meantime, just stumble around in the middle of a big fight between these two groups and barely surviving it.

Speaker F:

Right, Right.

Speaker F:

And that.

Speaker F:

And that's.

Speaker F:

I mean that in a positive way.

Speaker F:

That was.

Speaker F:

That was a lot of fun.

Speaker F:

I thought it was a really.

Speaker E:

It was like ants in a flood, you know, just happening.

Speaker E:

You can't do anything about it.

Speaker B:

You did one thing very critical, though.

Speaker B:

You picked up the.

Speaker B:

The idol.

Speaker F:


Speaker F:


Speaker B:

If you.

Speaker B:

If you hadn't been there and done that, then the idol could have escaped with Young's group and The Bloated Woman would have appeared, which would have been bad.

Speaker A:

Yes, A bad time.

Speaker A:

Oh, that's.

Speaker A:

You can't imagine the sound engineering I had planned for that scene.

Speaker F:

The Blooded Woman.

Speaker F:


Speaker D:

Now we want to hear it.

Speaker A:

Well, you made.

Speaker A:

You made a future scenario, audience.

Speaker C:

Chris will now insert the audio that he had planned for the Bloated Woman.

Speaker C:

So enjoy.

Speaker A:

It's just me making airplane sounds.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Put it in, Chris.

Speaker C:

Put it in.

Speaker F:

I was gonna say that.

Speaker F:

That whole ending there with where we.

Speaker F:

I listened to it earlier today too, so it's fresh, you know, the three.

Speaker F:

Was it Paris, Prentiss and Ryan all turn the corner and basically catch the cultist, you know, stumbling with the thing, you know, with the.

Speaker F:

With the idol.

Speaker F:

And if you listen back, all three of us pull up our guns at the same time.

Speaker F:

All three of us roll successes, and all three of us nail, like top tier damage rolls and just blow the guy away.

Speaker F:

It was a lot of fun.

Speaker F:

And then we pick it up and turn around and then ship crashes into the pier.

Speaker F:

The whole thing just had this like.

Speaker C:

Almost like the molten carrier, John.

Speaker F:

The freaking molten carrier.

Speaker F:

Yeah, it was a.

Speaker F:

It had so great, like, like, cinematic feel to it.

Speaker F:

It was super fun.

Speaker F:

Super fun.

Speaker B:

It had that.

Speaker B:

That Pulp Fiction scene that was.

Speaker B:

That was wonderful.

Speaker B:

And Chris upped what ran into the pier.

Speaker B:

I just had a lowly tugboat running into it.

Speaker B:

A container ship.

Speaker B:

Way better.

Speaker F:

Hell yeah.

Speaker A:

I liked that whole scene.

Speaker A:

That was super fun to do sound for.

Speaker A:

Got to look for a lot of fun ships crashing into things, which I couldn't find out in the field with my field recorder, so had to do some research.

Speaker A:

But yeah, I really enjoyed making that scene happen and I've been looking forward to it the entire session.

Speaker E:

Did you just record Speed 2's scene where the cruise ship hits the docks?

Speaker A:

Yeah, over and over again, backwards and forwards.

Speaker A:

That's the way you do it.

Speaker C:

I think what.

Speaker C:

What Eric is trying to say, Chris, is that it sounded like that.

Speaker A:

No, I picked that up.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

I just wanted to clear one thing.

Speaker B:

There was something else I took not from Delta Green, and that's the Bloated Woman itself that.

Speaker B:

That avatar of Nyarlathotep I believe is in massive.

Speaker B:


Speaker E:


Speaker B:

So I stole that one too.

Speaker B:

So I just want to make sure that people knew I.

Speaker B:

Where I stole.

Speaker C:

I mean, everyone has heard of the Bloated Woman, Alan.

Speaker C:

So I think that.

Speaker F:

Yeah, yes, we all.

Speaker C:

Everyone would know that.

Speaker F:

But just to refresh our.

Speaker F:

Just to refresh our memories, though, if you wouldn't mind?

Speaker F:

You know, for the listeners, not for.

Speaker C:

No, I don't think it's necessary, John.

Speaker B:

Well, okay, so it's a woman and she's bloated.

Speaker A:

Oh, there we are.

Speaker E:

Clear now.

Speaker C:

I'm with you so far, Alan.

Speaker A:

Keep going.

Speaker D:

True or Chris kind of led up to that with all of the bloated bodies.

Speaker C:

Totes my bloats.

Speaker C:

I forgot about that.

Speaker A:

It was extremely thematic and again, Alan greatly appreciated the thematic killing approach.

Speaker A:

Very fun.

Speaker A:

I love it.

Speaker B:

Well, thank you.

Speaker E:

It was certainly the spookiest, I think, that we've had yet.

Speaker E:

The setup, poking around a big bloated corpse.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:


Speaker E:

Trying to get.

Speaker E:

Yeah, trying to get it in, out as quick as possible.

Speaker C:

Chris, did you have any butthole clenches during this at all?

Speaker C:

Any scenes where you're like, oh, shit.

Speaker A:

So I've run this several times.

Speaker A:

The part that I was most apprehensive about was when you were talking and plotting around the hot dog vendor because I thought you guys were going to hurt him.

Speaker A:

He's just the most.

Speaker A:

One of the most innocent pawns in the game.

Speaker A:

And in prior.

Speaker A:

Again, in prior runs, I've had folks like, they think he's the mastermind and they.

Speaker A:

They really put the, you know, I have to break out the torture rules.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we have to, you know, have some pretty.

Speaker A:

Pretty rough scenes for this.

Speaker A:

This poor fella.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Yeah, I did think you as.

Speaker A:

As he was being less and less cooperative, or at least you perceived him as such.

Speaker A:

I thought.

Speaker A:

I thought violence was going to ensue.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Yeah, I did too.

Speaker B:

There was.

Speaker B:

I was sure that there was going to be a hot dog vendor just like dragged off and thrown into a.

Speaker B:

Into a trunk somewhere and interrogated rather roughly.

Speaker A:

I'm just worried, as Princess's sanity continues to dwindle, that his surgery skills are going to be, you know, misappropriated to.

Speaker A:

To other.

Speaker A:

Other tasks.

Speaker E:

I learned this new skill called Brazilian necktie.

Speaker E:

Do you want to find out how it works?

Speaker C:

Alan, I am confused by something that you had said earlier.

Speaker C:

A compliment of sorts, I suppose, to Prentice.

Speaker C:

And if you could elaborate on your enjoyment of that character.

Speaker E:

Jealousy is not a good look, Michael.

Speaker C:

I don't know what you're talking about, Eric.

Speaker C:

I think I wear it well, to be fair.

Speaker B:

I enjoyed all the characters.

Speaker B:

I've really kind of taken over Correct friends, but a little bit of an overcorrect, maybe.

Speaker B:

Okay, maybe a little overcorrect.

Speaker C:

I'm just fucking with you, dude.

Speaker B:

But as I said that with Prentice, my.

Speaker B:

The way I've.

Speaker B:

I've approached him.

Speaker B:

Has completely changed because, let's face it, the guy's.

Speaker B:

The guy's an asshole.

Speaker E:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And I hated him when he first appeared.

Speaker B:

I thought, oh, this guy.

Speaker B:

No, no, no, this guy's.

Speaker B:

This guy's going to be a liability, I bet.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

But no, he.

Speaker B:

He's kind of growing on me.

Speaker F:

Kudos to you, Eric.

Speaker F:

That's a.

Speaker E:


Speaker E:

It's getting harder.

Speaker C:

I'm sure it was all on purpose.

Speaker A:

I hope you enjoy.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

As his journey continues into the next operation, which we've started doing a little recording of, he.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

He gets some.

Speaker A:

He gets some scars from this one, Alan.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:

He's not gonna forget.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Not gonna forget what happened.

Speaker E:


Speaker E:


Speaker E:


Speaker E:

For sure.

Speaker E:

In play.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

He better not, right?

Speaker E:

Well, you can't escape this game without shattering a bit.

Speaker E:

That's actually the best scenario, I think, if you.

Speaker E:

If you value your life as a character.

Speaker B:

I love the.

Speaker B:

I love the.

Speaker B:

The Air Force colonel because.

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah, Porter, yeah.

Speaker B:

Having somebody.

Speaker B:

See, I didn't have quite the same latitude because I was doing it based on a cell structure, but a cell structure that I wanted to make sure it was in the.

Speaker B:

It was in more of the cowboy times, so I wanted to make sure that they couldn't just call up people above them to.

Speaker B:

To get help.

Speaker B:

And so now that's what.

Speaker B:

That's what the colonel's pretty much done is saying, you know, no, no, keep going.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

You're there.

Speaker B:

Go do the.

Speaker B:

The work with me.

Speaker B:

I just chickened out on that and just had nobody there for them to contact.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I.

Speaker A:

I thought so.

Speaker A:

So Porter is.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Is based on actual Air Force officer that, That I.

Speaker A:

I know, and I've.

Speaker A:

I've gotten feedback from.

Speaker A:

From that gentleman, and he.

Speaker A:

He agrees about.

Speaker A:

About the.

Speaker A:

The handling of this particular team.

Speaker A:

But yeah, Porter put this together at least was activated to do so to get a competent field team out there, and that is the asset in the field.

Speaker A:

That's all that the program is affording him for this particular operation.

Speaker A:

So he's actually on his own.

Speaker A:

He's the one who has nobody to call.

Speaker A:

The team is calling him, and he's.

Speaker A:

He's trying to motivate them because that's all he really has.

Speaker D:

I will say, as players, I absolutely hated Porter, which says a lot about how well you played him, Chris.

Speaker B:

And I hated them as a listener, so I think it was pretty much mutual.

Speaker A:

Good, good.

Speaker E:

So what would you have liked to have seen come out of this Scenario that maybe was missed.

Speaker E:

And I guess that kind of is the same question as was asked of.

Speaker B:

You before, But I think.

Speaker B:

I don't think you quite caught until, like, the very end just how important this idol was.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And I think the reason why is because you didn't get the.

Speaker B:

The Chinese receipt translated.

Speaker B:

My group, what happened was they took that and they worked overnight to.

Speaker B:

To do an autopsy.

Speaker B:

And then the next morning, they went to.

Speaker B:

They went for dim sum for breakfast, and they just asked the.

Speaker B:

The waitress if they.

Speaker B:

If she could translate it.

Speaker B:

And it's basically says one jade idol, and the price is 1 million Hong Kong dollars.

Speaker B:

And so the other one is basically the English receipt to give to customs.

Speaker B:

And this is the actual receipt of how much it costs.

Speaker B:

So somebody spent a lot of money to get this.

Speaker B:

This idol, and that kind of.

Speaker B:

That kind of amplified the.

Speaker E:


Speaker E:

The urgency.

Speaker B:

The urgency, yeah.

Speaker B:

You know, why did somebody spend all that money and why was it stolen?

Speaker B:

Unless it's just because it was worth a lot.

Speaker B:

But there had to be more than that.

Speaker B:

You guys did exactly what my group did with the.

Speaker B:

The plywood hula hoop.

Speaker B:

Now, you.

Speaker B:

You were.

Speaker B:

You were lucky that you had.

Speaker B:

You had power tools in the.

Speaker B:

In the place downstairs where he was lucky.

Speaker F:

Yeah, that was a luck roll, in fact.

Speaker B:

But, yeah, they are.

Speaker B:

My group did the same thing.

Speaker B:

Just like, sawed him out and pulled them out.

Speaker B:

Now I can't remember what they did with the body, though.

Speaker B:

I don't think they discarded it.

Speaker B:

I think they gave it to the.

Speaker B:

I think.

Speaker B:

Think they gave it to the morgue.

Speaker B:

Oh, my God.

Speaker B:

I got to take advantage of that.

Speaker A:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker B:

I don't.

Speaker A:

Yeah, that's a loose end.

Speaker B:

Yeah, that's a loose end.

Speaker B:

All these years later, and I forgot that loose end.

Speaker F:

I think we just tossed our body.

Speaker F:

The wreckage.

Speaker F:


Speaker F:

Of everything.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

I was just like, that works.

Speaker A:

And you drove away as fast as you could because that was a cataclysm that was going to attract insane amounts of attention.

Speaker E:

Be nowhere near this.

Speaker D:

At least I didn't get caught on camera a third time.

Speaker A:

You don't know that.

Speaker B:

I have a question for you guys.

Speaker B:

At what point did you realize that the drawings were interdimensional gates?

Speaker D:

Pretty much immediately.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker D:

At least as a player.

Speaker E:

Yeah, yeah, as a player, for sure.

Speaker E:

But I think Prentiss started getting real weirded out at the apartment.

Speaker D:


Speaker D:

For Roisin, it was the second one where she's like, okay, something's up.

Speaker D:

It's right across the street.

Speaker D:

They can see each other.

Speaker D:

I don't get why that second.

Speaker D:

The apartment across the street, though.

Speaker D:

I don't really see how that ties in unless it was like, hey, guys.

Speaker E:

We covered that in a debrief.

Speaker E:

He was just a witness.

Speaker C:

He's a loose end witness.

Speaker B:

He was on the same level, the exact same.

Speaker B:

Exact same floor, and he had a direct view.

Speaker B:

So, yeah, he just happened to see it happened.

Speaker B:

And he's.

Speaker B:

Oh, my God.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

What's going on over there?

Speaker E:

And sees this, and then, whoopsie, poopsie.

Speaker E:

Now you've totes my bloats.

Speaker C:

Alan, did you think that Paris was gonna die when he fell off the roof?

Speaker B:

I did.

Speaker A:

Me too.

Speaker F:


Speaker C:

General feeling positive or negative, disappointed or not, that he didn't.

Speaker F:

Feel some aggression over here.

Speaker F:


Speaker F:

All right.

Speaker C:

Hey, John, I'm just trying to probe.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I thought that was played very well, the whole pain and whatnot.

Speaker C:

You've got a.

Speaker C:

John, you got a compliment.

Speaker B:

And also, you've got a.

Speaker B:

An in for next time that you.

Speaker B:

Next time you take a sanity hit.

Speaker B:

You might.

Speaker B:

You might find that addiction is one of your.

Speaker B:

Your disorders.

Speaker C:

Oh, I hope so, John.

Speaker F:

All right.

Speaker F:

I like it.

Speaker C:

Let's get you some pillies, baby.

Speaker F:

I like it.

Speaker C:

Loosen you up from your noble.

Speaker F:

Well, I can't say Paris will not be climbing anything ever again.

Speaker F:


Speaker F:

That is for sure.

Speaker A:

We'll see about that.

Speaker F:

As long as I'm controlling Paris, he's never climbing anything against.

Speaker F:

I keep failing this, actually.

Speaker C:

On that.

Speaker C:

On that point, Chris.

Speaker C:

On that point, John, do you feel like Chris railroaded the.

Speaker C:

Out of the cast the entire time?

Speaker F:

That's why we call the train conductor.

Speaker F:

Oh, we don't say that.

Speaker F:

Well, I mean, I didn't.

Speaker F:

We don't say that.

Speaker F:

Say that at all.

Speaker F:

No, no, no.

Speaker F:

If you're being serious, I do not think so.

Speaker C:

How about you, Alan?

Speaker B:

I didn't think.

Speaker B:

I didn't think there was any railroading going on.

Speaker B:

Of course, he followed my scenario, so I'm not gonna admit to it.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Very nice.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker A:

Wrong person to back you up there, Michael.

Speaker C:

Well played.

Speaker B:

Now, I have a question for.

Speaker B:

I have a question for Roizen, Amber's character.

Speaker B:

How do you feel about the guys?

Speaker B:

I get the feeling like there's sometimes where you feel like you're herding cats, and there's other times where you feel like it seems like you're getting kind of protective of them.

Speaker B:

Is that.

Speaker B:

Is that right?

Speaker D:

Roizin's definitely a mama bear.

Speaker D:

And there's days where she's just like, oh, my God, the kids.

Speaker D:

And then there's times where she's like, you don't mess with my kids.

Speaker D:

So that's.

Speaker D:

That's very much what I'm going for with her.

Speaker C:

How old is Roy's and Amber?

Speaker D:

Mid 30s, say 30.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:


Speaker D:


Speaker D:


Speaker D:

I would have to pull up the character sheet.

Speaker D:

It's been a minute, but yeah.

Speaker D:

And in terms of the three guys, there's like, she is way more protective of Ryan because she's been with him longer.

Speaker D:

She's still getting a feel for Prentice.

Speaker D:

She's not sure how she feels about him.

Speaker D:

And then with Paris, there's.

Speaker D:

They've crossed paths a few times, so she trusts him a little more, but it's really convoluted.

Speaker B:

I do like the split between the two cells.

Speaker B:

The Ryan Roysen split with Prentice in Paris.

Speaker B:

I do like that.

Speaker B:

That it does feel like they're two separate groups that have been forced to meld together and they aren't.

Speaker B:

One of the problems that, that you have in a role playing game is that people, quite often, they want to get together as a group of friends and they'll just bond as characters, even though as they're bonded as players and their characters will bond the same way, even though it doesn't really make much sense.

Speaker B:

And in this case, there's still tension there.

Speaker B:

And I like how it's.

Speaker B:

I like how it's evolving, but it hasn't just become, oh, yeah, we're all one big happy family.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I like that there's still tension there.

Speaker F:


Speaker F:

I think.

Speaker F:

Well, I think one thing Chris has done well is everybody's kind of got their own.

Speaker F:

It seems like characters are getting their own, like, personal agendas, you know, kind of a meta agenda outside of just an individual operation, which I think drives a decent amount of that, that tension as well.

Speaker F:

Well, which has been fun.

Speaker E:

And to add to that, just having the home scene help reinforce after an operation, it reinforces your.

Speaker E:

What your character's going through, helps to give you a feeling for your character's motivations outside of the job.

Speaker E:

And that helps to kind of inform, okay, these Delta Green bonds, they grow, but they're not necessary.

Speaker E:

Like, you all have different, completely different lives outside of it.

Speaker E:

You got to take those factors into how they're interacting with each other.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

That made absolutely no sense to me.

Speaker E:

I stopped making sense to myself as I was.

Speaker C:

I'm just kidding.

Speaker C:

I'm just kidding.

Speaker C:

No, that was genuinely very good.

Speaker D:


Speaker A:

I think Prentice is.

Speaker A:

Has been leaning on his bonds.

Speaker A:

If not more just as much as Ryan.

Speaker A:

And they're very thin.

Speaker A:

I'm very excited for future home scenes.

Speaker E:

Rodrigo is down to one.

Speaker C:

He's gonna a fucking murder suicide at the end of this whole thing.

Speaker A:

Oh, my God.

Speaker E:

I think what's gonna happen is Prentice is gon be kindly asked to leave the practice.

Speaker A:


Speaker E:

Kindly, yeah.

Speaker D:

Strongly encouraged.

Speaker A:

Get bought out.

Speaker E:

Voluntold to do so.

Speaker C:

Hey, Alan, what do you like most about Ryan?

Speaker C:

Since it's not being offered, I'll ask.

Speaker B:

I really like his connection with Roizen, and he's got a loyalty that doesn't seem to show up yet with the others.

Speaker B:

I mean, I, I think a lot of that has to do with Apprentice is somebody that pretty much on his own, but.

Speaker B:

Yeah, but I like, I like how Ryan is always.

Speaker B:

He always seems like he's, he's on the, he's on the job.

Speaker B:

He's, he's serious and he's.

Speaker B:

He's completely agrees with Roizen and trust Roizen will stick with her and, and push forward.

Speaker B:

As I said, I, I, I liked all the characters.

Speaker B:

It's kind of, it's kind of hard to pick out particular moments because, well, part of it is because I, I binged the first, the first couple of seasons.

Speaker B:

I've got a lot going through my head when I, when I listen to it.

Speaker A:

Ryan's definitely a survivor, I'll give him that.

Speaker A:

And the fact that nobody keeps surviving after facing these things pretty much before the rest of the team and at such close quarters, I can't believe that he's still breathing, but I applaud you.

Speaker F:

Ryan character's got a weird, weird monster fetish.

Speaker F:

I will say that just keeps getting real up and close.

Speaker E:

His body is a Pokemon battle arena for mythos entities.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

What's going on with.

Speaker B:

What's going on in Ryan's head with regard to the things that's happening to him.

Speaker B:

I'd like to see a little bit more of that in the, in the home scene.

Speaker C:

Has that not been released yet, Chris?

Speaker A:

The home scene after Molten Carrier has not been released yet.

Speaker C:

Oh, okay.

Speaker C:

Don't spoil it.

Speaker A:

This is to our show.

Speaker B:

No, don't spoil it, Eric.

Speaker D:

You will find out soon.

Speaker A:

Yeah, we can spoil that.

Speaker A:

These profound biological changes will have a driving influence going forward in some capacity.

Speaker A:

That, that's the, that's the extent of the spoiler.

Speaker B:

Yeah, good.

Speaker D:

That being said, what weird change would you want to see happen to Ryan?

Speaker C:

Ooh, good question.

Speaker E:

That is good.

Speaker E:

That is a good one.

Speaker B:

I, I don't Want to see a weird change?

Speaker B:

I would like to see him have to encounter the night floors.

Speaker E:

Oh, man, that can.

Speaker C:

So was that, like, the enemy of the day, man?

Speaker E:

Night floors, back rooms, but like a hotel or apartment?

Speaker A:

Yeah, yeah, that's what that is, Michael.

Speaker A:

So, Alan, Michael is our Delta Green rookie.

Speaker A:

He doesn't know the lore.

Speaker A:

He's never played any scenarios, but with us.

Speaker A:

And so some of these references, we get to inflict upon him shortly.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I found that worked really well with my wife.

Speaker B:

She had no idea about.

Speaker B:

About Delta Green, and in fact, she didn't even know it was an illegal conspiracy until probably a good year, year and a half into the campaign when somebody got.

Speaker B:

Somebody got wounded.

Speaker B:

And she said, well, we got to get him to, like.

Speaker B:

Like a safe house or something.

Speaker B:

And Agent Michael said, yeah, about that.

Speaker A:

That's awesome.

Speaker A:

That's awesome.

Speaker A:

And so she, as a player, was like, oh, I'm not even working for the government.

Speaker B:

Yes, yes, she thought she was, and she had no clue.

Speaker B:

And she scowled at me when she found out.

Speaker E:

She's like, what else have you been keeping from me?

Speaker E:

Now it's just even more confusing.

Speaker E:

You have no idea who you're working for anymore.

Speaker D:

Working for somebody, right?

Speaker D:

We're not getting paid for this.

Speaker E:

You've got Cowboys, you've got the group, and then you've got the Renegade.

Speaker E:

Not either side, people.

Speaker A:

You don't know what's out there.

Speaker A:

Eric, I wouldn't even try to thrust your theories upon.

Speaker A:

Upon this cast.

Speaker A:

Just let it be, all right?

Speaker A:

It'll come your way soon enough.

Speaker C:

Alan, would you consider this a comedic podcast?

Speaker B:

Yeah, but not distractingly so.

Speaker B:

The comedy that pops up in it is very similar to what happens with my group.

Speaker B:

That was one of the things I really.

Speaker B:

I really liked about it.

Speaker B:

What drew me into the.

Speaker B:

Into the podcast was you sound a fair bit like my group.

Speaker B:

Even with some of the.

Speaker B:

Even with some of the infighting, it.

Speaker C:

Sounds most like your wife.

Speaker A:


Speaker C:

Probably me, because of the lack of experience in the game, I think.

Speaker C:

So that was a serious question.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Agent Maya is a.

Speaker B:

Carson Kovach is a mix between Prentice and Ryan.

Speaker B:

She's with the irs, and she picked the IRS because she wanted a scary US Government agency that could get into a lot of stuff.

Speaker B:

And that was really.

Speaker B:

It turned out really handy to have somebody like that.

Speaker B:

That and the cdc, which one of my other players had.

Speaker B:

They're really good for just, like, getting into pretty much any scenario without any kind of problem.

Speaker B:

But, yeah, she's she's kind of a cross between Ryan and Prentice.

Speaker B:

She has her.

Speaker B:

She has her moments.

Speaker B:

She encountered Agent.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

She encountered Agent Andrea from ASEL in my campaign.

Speaker A:

Oh, shoot.

Speaker B:


Speaker A:


Speaker B:

And she.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

Oh, man.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And when she.

Speaker B:

When she.

Speaker B:

She encountered her, she snarled under her breath, bitch, bitch and cheap shoes.

Speaker D:


Speaker D:

I want to give your wife candy cookies or something, because that is amazing.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Agent Meyer would.

Speaker B:

Would fit in with you guys easily.

Speaker B:

She might.

Speaker B:

I don't know.

Speaker B:

She might shoot Prentice in the back of the head.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker E:

I'm surprised he hasn't been shot in the back of the head yet.

Speaker D:

There were a few moments where Roizen was tempted.

Speaker F:

I had two items that I was curious about.

Speaker F:

One was a deep dive into the creamy Charizard misprint Pokemon card, which we.

Speaker A:

Allan, may not be able to help with that one.

Speaker A:

So we'll put that on the back burner for a second.

Speaker F:

The blue door.

Speaker F:

I got, like, weirdly, me as a player, I got, like, weirdly obsessed with this idea of finding the blue door.

Speaker D:

And I really wanted to find that thing, maybe.

Speaker F:

Maybe pushing the FBI agent through it just for kicks.

Speaker F:

But I wasn't sure if that was a thing we're supposed to find or if that was in the original.

Speaker F:

The original.

Speaker B:

It was in the original campaign, but I had it tied to the fate.

Speaker B:

So I'm not sure what's gonna happen with it, and I'm looking forward to finding out what Chris does with it.

Speaker A:

I'm ready for someone to find that blue door, and it will happen.

Speaker D:

I also really wanted to figure out how to activate those doors drawn on the wall.

Speaker A:

Yeah, I'm sure we can maybe figure that out too.

Speaker A:

Well, Alan, thank you again for joining me.

Speaker C:

This was great.

Speaker C:

I appreciate you putting my bullshit.

Speaker D:

Yes, thank you for joining us.

Speaker A:

All of our bullshit.

Speaker D:

And thank you for running such an awesome scenario.

Speaker D:

We had a blast.

Speaker F:


Speaker F:


Speaker F:

That was super fun.

Speaker F:

Thank you.

Speaker A:

It was a great one.

Speaker B:

Well, thank you very much.

Speaker B:

I'm really.

Speaker B:

I'm just really stoked to be able to fanboy out on this.

Speaker B:

And I thought you would.

Speaker C:

You're tickled pink.

Speaker B:

I'm tickled pink.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Yeah, you did.

Speaker B:

You did the scenario of justice.

Speaker B:

I enjoyed every bit of it.

Speaker B:

Oh, and my wife did hear I was playing part of it in the car, and she, like, really started beaming when she heard Carson Kovach being.

Speaker B:

Being mentioned, and she says, I'm famous.

Speaker B:

I did it.

Speaker B:

I'm Internet famous.

Speaker E:

You're in now.

Speaker A:

Well, once again, Your website is

Speaker A:

did I get that right?

Speaker B:

That is correct.

Speaker A:

All right, well, thank you all for listening.

Speaker A:

As usual, we will be releasing.

Speaker A:

Are not you releasing our next episode next week.

Speaker A:

Kicking off a new operation called Operation Fairyliminal Resonance.

Speaker A:

Be seeing you.

Speaker A:


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About the Podcast

Sorry, Honey, I Have to Take This
A Delta Green actual play podcast featuring a bunch of chuckleheads laughing nervously in the face of uncaring cosmic horror. With new episodes every other week!
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About your hosts

Chris Hamje

Profile picture for Chris Hamje
Has too many eyes

Erik Lundberg

Profile picture for Erik Lundberg
Will apparate eventually

John Stecker

Profile picture for John Stecker
Sometimes sad, but always a robot

Michael Zaino

Profile picture for Michael Zaino
Will drink your milkshake -- will drink it up

Marcone Cangussu

Profile picture for Marcone Cangussu
A delicate yet powerful Brazilman

Olivia Hamje

Profile picture for Olivia Hamje
Spying for your enemies

amber crouch

Profile picture for amber crouch
Kicking down all the doors, one at a time