Episode 65
Episode 65 - Rock On
The Agents convene with a local expert while attempting to embrace a low profile.
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Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. Illustrations by Dennis Detwiller are reproduced by permission. The contents of this podcast are © GiggleDome Productions, LLC, excepting those elements that are components of Delta Green intellectual property.
Speaker B:What time is it? Who is it? I don't know.
Speaker C:Situation Green Thinking music.
Speaker B:Sorry, love, I have to take this. Faith Frankfurt, you're still in the revealed chamber. What else would you like to do here?
Speaker C:Well, he'll look at. Frankfort's gonna look at any of the spots that dust has been disturbed just in case they overlook something. Otherwise he'll do that.
Speaker B:You do notice that there's very little dust on the statue, but otherwise, the only places that were disturbed prior to your entrance into the chamber was the ground, and that was covered with footprints.
Speaker C:Hey, Faith, look at this. This entire room is covered in dust. Thick dust, obviously, except where people have been walking. But look, statue's got nothing on it.
Make anything of that.
Speaker D:Yeah, I don't understand that. Have you touched it?
Speaker C:Yeah, it's moist.
Speaker D:That's strange.
Speaker E:All the females are laughing as they listen.
Speaker F:If they listen.
Speaker C:Yeah, maybe we should rub it.
Speaker D:Oh, you want to rub it? You guys go ahead. Rub the stalks for good luck.
Speaker B:Guys, please don't. Fuck. The unnatural. Please don't.
Speaker F:It's too late.
Speaker D:It's happening. It's initiated.
Speaker F:I want to point out. I want to point out that earlier Chris mentioned that Eric's character rubbed something off of them.
And I didn't even make a rub, rub it off joke or anything.
Speaker B:I was proud of you.
Speaker F:Thank you. Thank you.
Speaker B:I was really proud.
Speaker F:Do I get extra experience or anything?
Speaker B:Oh, yeah. 2 to 2.5 experience.
Speaker E:I guess I missed my. That's what she said. Opportunity. But that's what she said.
Speaker D:You did.
Speaker F:Oh, that is true. That is.
Speaker E:Opportunity reseized the Marconi effect.
Speaker D:Please tell us what that is.
Speaker F:Are they all pregnant? Are you guys pregnant?
Speaker D:Oh, shit. We're pregnant. We look down and we're. Our bellies grow before us.
Speaker B:Yeah, you guys look down and fuck. You're swole.
Speaker F:All right. I'm passed out. I'm sorry.
Speaker B:Not in a muscular way either.
Speaker C:Oh, my.
Speaker D:We are with child. Frankfurt. It has begun.
Speaker B:Your wombs have been be fruited.
Speaker F:Hooray.
Speaker E:Oh, no.
Speaker D:I have a baby. Sonic, you have a baby. Pikachu.
Speaker F:Hooray.
Speaker E:Pika pika.
Speaker D:All right, we've gone way off the radio.
Speaker E:It has to.
Speaker B:Actually, it's pretty close to the themes of this. This actual game, so keep going.
Speaker C:Have y'all ever wondered which Pokemon you could most likely impregnate if you Ponyta?
Speaker F:I think Vaporeon has the Ponyta. The best compatibility for human to Pokemon breeding.
Speaker D:And what do you think that Marconi.
Speaker E:He'S thought a lot about this.
Speaker F:I mean, it's scientific facts. I mean, with acid armor and just the fact that it can create its own moisture, I don't want to get into it. Hey, guys, read a book, okay? Get educated.
Speaker C:There is a paper.
Speaker B:It's not his job to educate you.
Speaker D:Okay. Anyhow, back to the escapism.
Speaker B:I'd rather be in what I hopefully don't have to cut out.
Speaker D:Okay, so we're staring at a slick ass, moist ass statue.
Speaker B:Yeah, it's like a statue we've covered with these calcium deposits. So when you look at the depictions of the trees and the pictographs, they're like very tall and they loom above the people depicted in supplication.
But this seems like squanched down, down, almost like it's bent in the middle as if the ceiling's too tall for it, as if it's kind of bowed down in some sort of near fetal position for its strange, bizarre frame.
Speaker D:Gotcha. Weird, huh? Okay, like, how thick are these calcium deposits on this statue?
Speaker B:I mean, they vary in thickness. Some are quite large and knobby. Again, liking it to clusters of barnacles, some just single barnacles, some like large.
Speaker D:Masses and so like, can they be knocked off with like the butt of a shotgun or something?
Speaker B:If you want to start damaging this statue. Yeah, tell me about it.
Speaker D:Eh, it seems pointless.
Speaker B:But you won't. You won't be able to know if they can be knocked off until you try.
Speaker D:Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker C:We've definitely got enough photographs here. We might be able to share these with the friends.
Speaker D:We really wasted a great tactical situation on a dud.
Speaker C:I don't think it's a dud. We. We got a lot of evidence here.
Speaker D:Sure, a lot of pictures, but it doesn't tell us where our guy went. And that's a problem.
Speaker C:It does not. No. But we do have. We do have the friendly that Snedagar's working out for us at some point. Who I believe in theory would be an expert on.
Reviewing these pictures we've taken, I thought it's not a total loss. Right? Krazy, Remind me, is that who. Where Friendly is? She works at the university. Right.
Speaker B:I think Snedeker's finding you an expert in local lore, especially for early Mesoamerican cultures.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:So, you know, it's possible that if this person is legit and is a decent source, you could bring these newly unearthed pictographs to him or her and maybe learn something.
Speaker C:Yeah, that's what I'm saying not a total loss.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker C:Look, I know you really wanted to fuck a statue. It's just not going to happen.
Speaker B:This. This scene is not over, Faith. It's not over. Frankfurt.
Speaker C:There's still time.
Speaker F:I heard the statue can cast acid armor, so.
Speaker B:And can create its own moisture as we can already see.
Speaker F:Yes.
Speaker E:And impregnate you.
Speaker F:Yeah.
Speaker D:It's clearly an unnatural statue that we.
Speaker C:Should probably blow up. Yeah. I think there may or may not be something inside. I think that statue may not really be a statue. It might be.
Speaker D:Yeah. It's a dark young egg. Anyways, do you have boom booms or. Nah, that's a great question.
Speaker C:No explosives.
Speaker B:No. You. You don't have any explosives with you.
Speaker E:I thought they packed flash grenades.
Speaker D:Well, yeah. Oh, flash grenade. Not on my list of things that I packed for this specific, specific trip. So.
Speaker F:But of a shotgun, I mean.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker D:Let's. Let's start wailing at this stupid statue because it is unnatural and it does not disappoint. Deserve to be in this world.
Speaker C:Take a swing at it.
Speaker D:Let's get her done, papa.
Speaker B:Cool. So you go ahead and take the butt of the shotgun and start striking the statue. These calcium deposits are extremely fragile.
They shatter and fall apart. Much like. Again, this feels and looks to you like you're striking fragile stalactites or stalactmites. Right.
Shards of this material fall to the ground as you crunch into it. You knock this off. Portions of this kind of crouched over, looming statue, but none of the actual.
Speaker D:Statue'S stone is broken off.
Speaker B:The actual. And again, this looks like limestone to you. You're not sure. You're not really a geologist or an archaeologist or anything.
The actual stone itself is pretty sturdy. It's these deposits that seem fragile, that almost seem deforming. The statue itself, as if it's eating into it as you're knocking it off.
This is the impression you're getting. But yeah, the limestone itself is fairly sturdy.
You're gonna have to put some real muscle, something with like a very sharp steel point to crack into that sucker.
Speaker D:Yeah, no worries.
Speaker B:I'm not saying it's impossible, but, like, y'all would need to, like, both roll up your sleeves and just slam your guns into it and probably destroy your guns in the process.
Speaker C:Frankfurt.
Speaker B:Or find. Maybe there's something outside that some of the people left some tools, but you didn't see anything like that yet.
Speaker D:Yeah, it doesn't seem worth the effort to continue this line of investigation.
Speaker F:Lick.
Speaker C:It does pick up some of the barnacles that have fallen to the ground. The calcified barnacles. Picks them up. Looks at him closely. Anything interesting there?
Speaker B:It looks like shards of this fragile, like almost pottery stone.
Speaker C:Okay. He'll like pocket one or two in a baggie that he definitely brought for this purpose.
Speaker B:Yes, yes, yes, he did.
Speaker C:Okay, perfect. Yes. He takes them with him.
Speaker B:Excellent.
Speaker D:Is there any. I mean, I've got an occult skill. Can I. Is there anything I can glean from this outside of what I already know?
Speaker B:What are you trying to glean? Like understanding what is going on in.
Speaker D:This room and why and I mean.
Speaker B:There'S an altar here. You don't need to really roll for that. So, you know, it was some sort of center for ceremony. It looks like I just might sit here.
Speaker D:I'm trying to find. Draw some connection between our guy we're looking for and this. Like, I just don't understand where.
Speaker B:Because of your particular skill set, nothing's, Nothing's popping out at you right now. These pictographs are nearly. It's a non narrative and confusing display of images. You can't even really. There's a lot of symbols there too.
Some sort of language. It's. And it's not when you, you know or know any derivatives.
Speaker D:If only it was all written in.
Speaker B:Athletics or if it was written in Quebecois, you would be having a much better. Maybe you would be feeling more resolved, like, okay, I'm cool with murdering three innocent. Yeah.
Speaker D:Really bummer of a night.
Speaker B:Yeah. Yeah, you did kill three innocents to get into what seems like just pointless bullshit. Fancy little room. Yeah.
Speaker C:Oh, I've got a burning question. Frankfurt looks around the room. Are any of the pictographs showing perhaps a symbol of this altar? Do you see the altar in any of the pictures?
Speaker B:A good question. No, there, it's. There's nothing resembling this altar in those pictures. It's a good question.
Speaker C:Well, I got one for the night, so I'll be. I'll be done now.
Speaker B:It's just murdering people in the dark and pulling out their teeth checks out.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker D:Faith says into the. Into the mic. I don't think we're gonna get anything else here.
I don't know how we're supposed to pick up the trail on this guy if there's nothing here.
Speaker E:How can that be?
Speaker D:There's nothing.
Speaker E:We had to over connect the dots somehow. There's gotta be something.
Speaker D:Well, I invite you to come down here and find what that is, because I don't see it.
Speaker C:Look, we did get a lot of photos of these murals here. There's a lot of languages here. Sorry. A lot of some language here on the walls that we don't recognize. A lot of murals depicting these creatures.
And aside from the statue, you know, if we can get this in front of someone might know something. Yeah. So I wouldn't say nothing.
Speaker E:There's nowhere else to explore there at all.
Speaker C:No, we checked it all.
Speaker E:All right, then come then. Come on back. Let's make quick work of this. There's still some bodies taken care of.
Speaker C:Yeah. Frankfurt starts heading out.
Speaker D:We're gonna have to take these bodies, put them all in the cop car, set it on fire and leave.
Speaker C:Well, like you're thinking maybe something a little more difficult to sort out for him. At least buy us a little bit of time. Although I guess it doesn't matter one way or another.
Speaker D:We begin the long and arduous task of picking up bodies and arranging them in the cop car. Setting the situation up in there so that it is flammable. Pump the gas out of the tank and dump it in there and then light it on fire.
Speaker B:Actually there.
There is a siphon hose in the back of the cop car with some other roadside hazard type stuff and you're able to use that to provide an accelerant for those bodies. Now seated and arranged, Everybody's got a roll sanity for this except for Frankfurt.
Speaker F:Who'S nerd to violence, and Felix, who's sleepy time.
Speaker B:Yeah, Felix is sleepy time, you're correct. Yeah, but you're now part of this like setting up dead bodies situation and burning them to a crisp.
Speaker E:Yep. Makes sense.
Speaker B:It's. It's not something you forget.
Speaker E:Yeah, absolutely not.
Speaker B:For the three involved in this grisly and gruesome activity, do you want to project any potential loss?
Speaker D:Nah.
Speaker E:Yes. That special boyfriend of mine, Nukalik.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker D:She can't get him out of your head.
Speaker B:Roll, roll. A1D4.
Speaker E:I can pronounce my own boyfriend's name. Chris, help me out.
Speaker B:Nikolic.
Speaker E:Something like that.
Speaker B:Oh, a big four. All right. So that brings your willpower down by four. And your poor boyfriend, Nick Nikolic, he.
Speaker E:Could be worse off.
Speaker B:Bring him down by four.
Speaker E:He's the biggest bond I have.
Speaker B:No good point. Yeah, not anymore.
Speaker E:Well, yeah, no, he's a special man. But my willpower, Woof.
Speaker B:Yeah, it's not looking great. So you're getting close to a emotional breakdown. Being involved in even just watching these two drag bodies out of the darkness and set them up.
You see that part of the face and neck of one of the men is completely missing. It's just this horrifying dark hole full of shapes that shouldn't be there. The insides of this man who you were only earlier just speaking with.
It really causes a cold moment in your stomach when you watch them drag all the way from the front of the pyramid. Another body, this one covered in blood.
Speaker E:Forest proceeds to throw up.
Speaker B:Alrighty.
Speaker F:Does her hair need to roll a dodge.
Speaker E:Nobody's holding it.
Speaker B:So, Faith, this was the third adapted or, I'm sorry, this is the third violence roll you've done without going crazy tonight.
Speaker D:Oh, dope. So I'm going to lose.
Speaker B:So you are now adapted to violence, which is going to really fuck up your dude, I think. Yeah, go ahead and roll a 1D6. That's going to be subtracted from your charisma. You're going to suffer the same detriment to each bond.
Speaker D:Jesus.
Speaker B:Your empathy suffers because of this situation.
Speaker D:Four.
Speaker B:Four. Woof. Brings your charisma down to eight. So, yeah, the way this manifests is empathy. Yeah.
Each one of your bonds, even those that are Delta green, go down by four.
Speaker D:Awesome.
Speaker B:Congratulations.
Speaker D:You're a monster, man.
Speaker F:You went from Trudeau five years ago to Trudeau today.
Speaker C:Frankfurt looks over and just says, hey, it's not, you know, could have been worse. Tiberius pulled through. Honestly, if he hadn't, I was gonna pin the whole thing on him like some sort of crazed man came out of the jungle.
But we still got the old man, so guess it all worked out.
Speaker D:Faith chuckles and says, yeah.
Speaker F:Tiberius moves his arms and legs around like he's running in a field.
Speaker C:Look at that. He's found a ball. Chasing a ball there.
Speaker B:Frankfurt.
Faith, as you comment to one another, go ahead and light a match, throw it into the open driver's side window and watch as the accelerant takes very quickly and the bodies inside do the same, curling quickly into sooty black, greasy black. Both of you roll Your alertness again.
Speaker C:Failed. 87 out of 64.
Speaker D:Success. 3 of 83.
Speaker B:If you look over and just the amount of blood on yourselves on the ground, on most likely the steps of the pyramid. Were you stabbed the police officer? It must be noticeable.
Speaker D:Oh, for sure.
Speaker B:The smoke starts turning quite black, trailing into the sky. As you think about this, Faith isn't.
Speaker D:So much worried about the blood on the ground everywhere as he is about getting ourselves clean.
He did bring water, so the best we could really do is use a couple water bottles to clean ourselves off and put on a different change of shirt, pants.
Speaker B:Yeah, I'll say You guys brought some change of clothes, and so maybe you burn your clothes as well.
Speaker D:Yep.
Speaker B:All right. Both you and Frankfurt. Or is Frankfurt attached to his bloody clothes?
Speaker D:That's entirely up to Frankfurt, not this.
Speaker C:Specific set of bloody clothes. So, no, I can take these off and trade them up.
Speaker B:Got it. All right. There's another one in New York City somewhere in a subway hovel that you keep on a pedestal.
Speaker C:Well, see, that's my business and not yours.
Speaker B:I'm sorry. Apologies, apologies, apologies. Please don't. Please don't go into my dreams. Please.
So the only person with bloody clothes, then, will be Felix, who has some blood on the back of his shirt and collar. What else did y'all want to do to try to cover your tracks as huge gouts of black smoke? Now fly into the nightmare, Pick up.
Speaker D:Any shell casings from the little shooting we did by the sign, and then head out.
Speaker B:Go ahead and roll your search.
Speaker C:Frankfurt's not gonna pick up his because they were from the police officer's own gun. He doesn't care.
Speaker D:It's a.25 of.46.
Speaker B:All right, I got a roll now. You find six shell casings?
Speaker D:Yep. Okay.
Speaker B:Pick those up.
Speaker D:Good enough, I suppose. Time to head out.
Speaker B:Who's taking the wheel?
Speaker D:I suppose. Faith.
Speaker B:Will you carefully back the van out?
Leaving fresh tire tracks as you slowly wind your way through this very narrow gravel pathway, scraping the sides of the vehicle with vines and branches, ferns, leaves, on your way out. Where are you headed?
Speaker D:Back to the hotel.
Speaker B:Gotcha. So, straight to the Holiday Express.
Speaker D:Call it a night.
Speaker F:Oh, hey.
Speaker E:Oh, there it was.
Speaker C:There it was.
Speaker B:Well, it's about 5 in the morning.
Speaker F:Damn it. We're so bad at this.
Speaker B:You missed your chance.
Speaker D:Time to call it. Morning.
Speaker E:Listen. No, no, no. It's always calling you if you've still stayed awake to hear the birds. Right? No, wait. Am I saying that wrong?
Speaker F:Just call it. Just call it.
Speaker D:Just call it. We're all going to get a good sack in.
Speaker B:You do your best to head back to civilization. In this case, Oaxaca. Make your way out of the dark jungle and the darker deeds that you.
Speaker D:Needlessly enacted upon three unsuspecting policemen.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah, yeah. And get your way back into. Into your little hotel, I guess. You pull into the Holiday Inn Express, each one of you. You have your own rooms.
Do you all kind of nod to one another grimly and say you'll wake up to pick things up again at 10? Or what's the plan?
Speaker D:Gonna get full 8 hours in just to. Just to get a good Rest.
Speaker B:You want to get a full eight hours in? Yeah.
Speaker F:And Eric. Eric mentioned that we'll be getting a sacking. Is that correct?
Speaker D:A sack in, like, hit the sack.
Speaker F:Okay, okay, I misunderstood that. I'm sorry. I'll turn off my phone then.
Speaker B:You four nearly silently, bags under your eyes, walk away from one another.
Speaker E:Oh, no, no, no, no.
Speaker B:To your rooms.
Speaker E:Forest is not going to leave Felix alone after everything that he just went through. So it's either you're with me, Betty, or we are taking you into an emergency express somewhere in Mexico, which actually sounds creepier.
So you're with me.
Speaker F:I'm gonna be honk shooing no matter what.
Speaker E:He doesn't know, so I'm with him. I'm gonna just stay awake. I don't sleep well anyways, and I'm gonna watch him.
Speaker B:Yeah, you sit in a semi comfortable chair in his hotel room and put a blanket over your legs and do your best to watch over him in a half dozing manner because you are exhausted. But can you sleep? Is the question. Go ahead and roll sanity.
Speaker E:No. Okay, hold on.
Speaker C:And I'll do something with Frankfurt before he goes to sleep too.
Speaker F:But just when you get there, opening dimensions maybe.
Speaker B:Mm, yeah, you're. You're just not able to really get comfortable.
Forest, you keep waking up thinking that you're in the back of that squad car or that somebody's shooting you or Felix, or it's just impossible for you to get any decent sleep here. You look over and you can see a very powerful honk shu repeatedly coming out of Felix. So that does bring you some solace.
But you yourself, you're unable to get any rest. Frankfurt.
Speaker C:You know, every time y'all say Hong Shu, I'm like, I had a friend in. Well, he wasn't a friend. A guy I knew in high school was named Hong Xu.
So I keep thinking, oh, you're clearly spending more energy cheating on a test than you would have spent just studying for it in the first place. But no, you're talking about snoring.
Speaker D:Oh, putting Hong Shu up there, huh?
Speaker C:Putting him on black. Just throwing some. Throwing some 25 year old shade, I guess. There you go.
Speaker B:Hell yeah, it's the best shade.
Speaker C:No, so Frankfurt is actually going to. He is going to call Snedger.
Speaker B:Okay, cool.
Speaker C:Or attempt to call Snedegar.
Speaker E:Ring, ring, ring.
Speaker B:Yeah, he picks up. Agent.
Speaker C:Hey. We just wrapped up a long night. Details. We'll give you later.
Speaker B:Are you feeling okay, Agent?
Speaker C:Yeah, no, feeling good. Feeling good. Have a. Have a little Bit of an active exchange of information I'd like to make, if that's possible.
Speaker B:Let's hear it.
Speaker C:Yeah, snapped a lot of photos, some weird murals or some languages here I didn't. Didn't recognize. Love to get these in front of somebody who might know what they're doing or know what they see.
What they're seeing if I send them to you or. I believe you said you were working on a friendly local to us that could help us out?
Speaker B:Yeah, actually, Dr. Isabella Ramirez, she's at the Museum of Cultures of Oaxaca.
She's agreed to meet with you and answer any questions and if you have anything for her to review, that would be a great time to get it in front of her.
Speaker C:Awesome. Well, I have something for her to review to be sure. So do you have a number or contact?
Speaker B:Yeah, I can make the proper. Well, I'll make the proper introductions for you since you're interested, which is what I assumed. Go ahead and get an appointment for you.
She did have some time today in the early afternoon, so we'll shoot for that.
Speaker C:Oof. Okay, well in that case I'm gonna grab some shut eye here and then we will rendezvous with her.
Speaker B:Perfect, I'll get you details once I get him solidified with her.
Speaker C:All right, thanks Nettinger.
Speaker F:He hangs up, honks you, then a rendezvous.
Speaker D:Oh, nice.
Speaker B:Anything else besides sleep for the night?
Speaker C:Yeah, Frankfurt just shoots a text to the others and just says, hey, appointment at the museum with the time and everything. So be awake by one or noon or something. I guess I should be clear on that. Let me reenact that for you.
For the listeners that I don't give a shit about.
Speaker B:For the listeners.
Speaker C:Paris grabs his.
Or Paris Fert gets his phone out and just taps out a quick text to the rest of the team saying, hey, we've got an appointment at the museum, be awake by noon and sends it winky face, winky smiley emoji with.
Speaker B:A heart eggplant pregnant sonic emoji sweat.
So you four do your best to get some sleep and each one of you, whether you got some shut eye or not, get up around 11, around noon, start getting ready for what you imagine is going to be another long day.
One where you hope that there's not enough forensic evidence perhaps left at a certain pyramid site to link back to this Holiday Inn Express that you're staying at.
Speaker D:Oh, my room key card.
Speaker C:Remind me, how did we get the car that we have, the van, did we rent that? Or was that.
Speaker B:It's something that Snediger Provided you you picked it up from an enterprise. I need each one of you to go ahead and roll a 1D6. And gain that much willpower?
Speaker F:Hell yeah.
Speaker C:I'm already 10 out of 10. So.
Speaker B:So you don't need.
Speaker C:Pretty good. I'm feeling pretty excellent.
Speaker D:Nice.
Speaker B:You guys did great. Except for Forest. Forest, you unfortunately couldn't get any rest.
Speaker E:Oh no.
Speaker F:But we all did roll sixes. Three sixes.
Speaker E:Oh God. But wait, Forest doesn't get any anything.
Speaker B:Forest, you don't. Because you have a sleep disorder. And you failed your sanity and had nightmares all night.
Speaker E:Good times in the neighborhood.
Speaker D:Slept like a baby.
Speaker B:You are now exhausted, Forest. You can remove your exhaustion penalties by taking stimulants.
Speaker F:Roll for crank.
Speaker B:That's up to you.
Speaker E:I'm a woman. Okay.
Speaker F:Whaaat?
Speaker E:Yes, I will do that. Forest. I'm gonna take some stimulants. What kind of stimulants?
Speaker B:What are you gonna take?
Speaker E:I get to decide.
Speaker B:I mean. Yeah, you need to tell me what you do so that I can help you.
Speaker E:Shoot. I need an upper. Energy drinks.
Speaker B:It could be as simple as a cup of coffee or chain smoking.
Speaker E:I hear Bang Bang has the powerful kick.
Speaker B:Do they have bang in Mexico?
Speaker C:Yes, there is a bang energy drink available in Mexico.
Speaker E:Does it have the same ingredients? Maybe it's even better.
Speaker C:It's just straight crack.
Speaker F:Yeah, same ingredients, but with some elote.
Speaker C:It's not even liquid. It's just you open it up and kind of kind of pour the crack out. It's weird and awkward, but you know.
Speaker F:It'S like a big can just with one crack rock in it.
Speaker B:Just rattles around in there. Go ahead and roll a 1D6 for us. Let's see how long you can offset your penalty for.
Speaker D:Six minutes.
Speaker B:Nice six. Six hours. Guys are rolling a lot of sixes.
Speaker C:It's really weird that bang. That bang is legit.
Speaker D:You gotta roll good sometimes. And it might as well be on the mostly inconsequential.
Speaker C:You know, whenever I'm feeling tired on a late mission, I always go to a solid can of bang to keep me up and rolling.
Speaker D:Thank you for getting that out of the way for us.
Speaker B:I hope we secure that. So you four, were you meeting to chat for the day's planning down at.
Speaker D:The continental breakfast, which is now closed. But the area is still open.
Speaker B:Yeah, it is the linoleum clad area. So yeah, you sit down again at the same kind of dirty linoleum table. There's nobody else here.
There's a lone cinnamon bun under A dusty looking plastic shield, but otherwise nothing. Nothing to eat.
Speaker D:So I guess we'll be getting. Getting food elsewhere, huh?
Speaker E:We should probably get going. Let's going. Come on. I don't know what you're thinking, but we've got to formulate a plan. We got to go, we got to find. What's his name?
Speaker D:Can you speak up? I can't hear you.
Speaker E:Dante Sombra. Okay.
Speaker B:Otherwise known as Alabastro.
Speaker E:Okay, so yeah, we gotta find Dante Sombro. We gotta have a plan. Who's got a plan? Do you have a plan? I'm sorry I didn't sleep, but I'm ready to go. Yeah, let's go.
Speaker C:Sounds like it. Hey, I think we're gonna go meet up with our friendly over at the museum.
Speaker E:Which friendly?
Speaker B:Let's take a look at these pictographs from the revealed chamber.
Speaker C:I was looking for the name of the friendly. Did we get that?
Speaker B:Dr. Isabella Ramirez.
Speaker C:Yeah, I'm gonna go meet up with Dr. Ramirez over at the museum. According to Snediger, she may or may not be able to make a little bit more sense of these pictures than we were able to.
Speaker B:Ha.
Speaker E:I thought you were gonna say might be a bug. Might not be a bug. Okay, good. Well, yeah, she can help us with that. That's perfect.
Speaker C:Kind of glances over at Faith.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker C:Cocks another eyebrow.
Speaker D:The people accept it.
Speaker E:The people's eyebrow.
Speaker F:Maybe switch to decaf, huh? And Tiberius Felix has a. Like a. A bag of ice pressed to the back of his head.
Speaker B:And on that note, Felix, when you woke up this afternoon or early or late morning, you were able to use a mirror to examine back of your head. And it does look like the skin was obviously broken. I mean, you were bleeding, but it's no more than a flesh wound.
You think to yourself, with your non medical expertise, you just have a bad headache this morning. Your visions return to normal.
Speaker F:And was I able to not look directly at my own visage?
Speaker B:You were indeed. It took some finagling, but you really needed to see that wound gnarly.
So there was one other thing that you were mandated to do this time by Horatio. Do you all remember that was. Oh, yeah.
Speaker D:We got to pick up the care package.
Speaker B:Exactly. So before you meet with Dr.
Isabella Ramirez, I am going to recommend you, perhaps share with them, Felix, that you have some insurance given to you by your bosses at Pegasus, waiting for you back at the airport.
Speaker F:Listen, y'all, we gotta swing back towards the airport. We got a care package from our. Our friends at Pegasus.
Speaker C:Oh, yeah. Okay.
Speaker D:Let's get it done.
Speaker B:Y'all go ahead and split the cinnamon bun into four pieces.
It's not great, it's stale, but it fills your little tum tums up enough to give you energy to enter the panel van and make your way back to the Oaxaca airport.
Speaker F:Felix smiles.
Speaker D:Faith was always only going to eat a quarter of a cinnamon bun because he's so jacked and he's gotta keep the carbs low like he's not keto. But he keeps the bottom.
Speaker E:He's just licking this sugary frosting on top.
Speaker B:Got it. You're looking for like a protein infusion. All of those Jaime Delgados really stopped you up. So you need to get some fiber. Probably in your diet too.
But yeah, you just take a little nibble, leave the rest for the others.
Speaker F:And I'm assuming Forest is full of all the fingernails that she's been eating.
Speaker B:Yeah. Yeah. So that's rattling around in her stomach. Y'all can hear that? It's like little maracas down there.
Speaker E:You'd be lucky to find her with eyebrows anymore. Cause she's probably pluck those out as well.
Speaker F:Soon. Bangs. Guys, watch out. Keep an eye out for bangs. If you see those, we're in trouble.
Speaker B:Upon opening the airport locker, you discover a yellow envelope and it's covered with wide plastic shipping tape. You see no postmark there or courier stamp, but when you open it up, you find it. Gray keychain, thumb drive.
It's labeled Cornwallis 256 and typed courier script.
Speaker E:What the hell is Cornwallis? I mean, does that mean anything to you?
Speaker C:You said a thumb. A thumb drive. A key thumb drive.
Speaker F:Felix pushes it towards Forest. Well, plug it in.
Speaker E:Just gonna pop open the laptop.
Speaker D:I mean, so just so like, I just have to say this on air. Don't plug random thumb drives into your computer.
Speaker E:Codes and stuffs and things.
Speaker D:Don't do this in real life.
Speaker B:Unless you're a cool Delta Green spy or Pegasus spy. Then you can do it. Part of your job security.
Speaker C:Well, we should probably call them first and say, hey, did you intend to give us a thumb drive? Just verifying that we can plug into our laptop.
Speaker D:I have air gapped my computer.
Speaker E:Do you remember the person that I.
Speaker F:Have washed my hands.
Speaker E:Rebellious or something.
Speaker F:Or also don't go to sleep if you think you had a concussion. And also don't move someone who you think might have a head or spine injury.
Speaker D:I did all that in game.
Speaker B:That's right. All good advice.
Speaker E:Oh my goodness.
Speaker B:Forest, are you going to Check out what's on this sweet, sweet thumb drive.
Speaker E:Yeah, I'm going to attempt to do that. I'm going to put up all my shields and then have at it.
Speaker B:Put up those shields. Sure. I'll give you a science roll.
Speaker E:It's not the man, it's the computer science.
Speaker F:Boop.
Speaker E:Hell yeah.
Speaker B:You can check your incredibly high computer science.
Speaker E:Okay, so FY 80% computer freaking science and I just failed with a 97. There we go. That's what we call railroading, right?
Speaker B:No, that's called what?
Speaker D:Failing a roll.
Speaker B:That's just bad roll. It's a bad roll railroad.
Speaker E:That same difference. I don't know.
Speaker B:Railroading has been everything up to now because I forced you.
Speaker D:You had one moment of freedom and.
Speaker E:You failed at it.
Speaker B:So the device that you've plugged into your well Shielded computer contains two files. You see a simple text file, TXT, and there's also a three hour long audio file. Both are labeled Cornwallis 256.
Speaker E:Cornwallis, Cornwallis, Cornwallis. Does Cornwallis mean anything to anybody? I'm gonna start clicking open as I ask these questions.
Speaker B:What are you gonna open?
Speaker E:Cornwallis256 was it?
Speaker B:Both are called Cornwallis256. There's a three hour long audio file and a TXT file, very small in size.
Speaker E:That one. The text.
Speaker B:Go ahead and open up the text file.
Speaker A: ro and was likely born around:Hiding his origins in this way was a simple matter, and he never stayed too long in one area, living only off the donations of passers by, entranced by his prodigious and skillful mandolin musicianship. His talents attracted others and his one man act soon became an ensemble.
Before long, a small orchestra of similarly destitute and desperate souls wandered Europe as one, leaving tales of unparalleled and magical experiences by those present to hear those wondrous and novel compositions. Few writings exist of these ad hoc performances. And like so many of the histories we delve, Greer and his orchestra are considered apocryphal.
ne musiklichlische Zeitung in:A recovered and poorly translated snippet.
Speaker G:The appearance of the players, that of diseased and humble beggars, belies the abilities these pitiable men command over their modest collection of instruments. The moment bow is to string, the moment lips to horn heaven.
The images called forth are of the extraordinary painting tapestries of vast landscapes beyond a modern imagination.
It is a sound that defies our romantic notions of leitmotif and commits to something more visceral, that pulls from within as if bringing attention to sounds and meanings that are always around and inside, so that we can finally be carried away by angels to a new world of bliss and wonder.
Speaker A:The apocrypha is also clear. Anyone who heard the performances of Greer and his mad orchestra were moved to tears and something akin to madness.
We cannot yet with certainty place the attached recording as Greer.
But the instrumentation and arrangement of the composition, coupled with the age and discovery location of the original wax cylinder, do fit quite exactly.
Effects are consistently measurable, eliciting, uncharacteristic, and sometimes severe reactions from those exposed to more than 12 seconds of the audio. Any portion of the recording seems to work in this way, lending credence to Eaton's holographic theories on the nature of wavefields.
I can expound on this later if you wish. Common ear protection seems to negate any observable changes or effects.
Transfer to a digital medium does not degrade or otherwise adjust observable changes or effects. We are classifying this as Cornwallis 2, 5, 6. Your friend, Holmes.
Speaker F:Play the audio full volume.
Speaker E:Yeah, I was going to say, I'm pretty sure we don't want to hear.
Speaker B:You guys are welcome to speak to one another about what you have just absorbed, or you can plan to skedaddle and make your way to the Museum of Culture and History to get your appointment with Dr. Isabella Ramirez. Or you can do something entirely different. But. Yeah, let me know what you want to do.
Speaker D:Okay. Well, it looks like we have a no shit button with this audio file.
Speaker C:Thinking maybe we should all be carrying around a set of earplugs in case we have to use it.
Speaker D:A Bluetooth speaker and a nice little. Nice little phone to connect to. It should be good to go.
Speaker E:I think we can do that.
Speaker B:You can buy all of that at the airport if you'd like.
Speaker F:Yes, sweet.
Speaker C:Doing it.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker D:And earplugs for all of us, obviously.
Speaker B:All right, sure. Yeah, you can definitely get those at the airport as well.
You guys have plenty of your cash from the Tijuana Green Box on hand just to pay for These things at the vendors around the food court in the Oaxaca airport. And you feel much better now that you have these things in your possession and know what this file should do, but you're still a little apprehensive.
Speaker F:I would also like to buy a box of chocolates, please.
Speaker B:Done. Done.
Speaker F:I'm not sharing.
Speaker D:Yeah, I knew you were just going to eat them in front of everybody.
Speaker B:Yikes.
Speaker F:Yes.
Speaker B:All right, so y'all go ahead and get into your panel van. And as Tiberius Felix is licking his fingers and delicately.
Speaker F:Oh, I don't. I haven't actually eaten them. I'm saving them.
Speaker B:Oh, okay.
Speaker F:Sorry.
Speaker B:You're saving them?
Speaker F:Yeah.
Speaker B:Got it. Okay, well, that's the opposite of what you said, so I'll just shut up. What do you guys do next?
Speaker D:I guess we're gonna head to our appointment and find a trash can along the way to dispose of my shell casings.
Speaker B:Cool. That's easy. There are trash cans everywhere.
Speaker D:Boom. Got em.
Speaker B:Got it. So y'all want to just fast forward to the scene with Dr. Isabella Ramirez.
Speaker C:On the way there? What am I going to be tonight? Parafurt Frankenris?
Speaker D:Just go.
Speaker F:Just.
Speaker D:Please.
Speaker F:Okay.
Speaker C:Sorry, Eric. I'll just be Joe then. He's going to look up the good Dr. Isabella Ramirez and just start doing a little bit of background research on her.
Speaker B:Yeah, okay. She's actually rather well known. A basic Google search does bring her up in some of her publications.
Actually, several biographies have been written about her. It looks like she's worked at several universities in Central America.
Currently posted at the museum that you're headed to now in your van, Faith is leading you there as a team, driving the vehicle. But her expertise, unsurprisingly, is in ancient Mesoamerican languages and writing systems. She apparently has a background in.
A deep background in linguistics, anthropology, archaeology.
And she spent years studying and deciphering the complex hieroglyphic scripts of many civilizations, but focusing on the Maya, the Aztec, and the Zapotech.
As you continue to thumb through some of this biographical information, you can see that she's considered a pretty unconventional figure when it comes to decipherment. She combines rigorous scholar research with some sort of intuition, creativity, and you actually find a quote from her.
She directly asserts in one public interview that she adds a touch of irregular thinking to everything she does.
And this has given her a reputation for solving seemingly unsolvable linguistic puzzles, unraveling many mysteries of ancient texts that have eluded other experts for decades. There are several examples of this. None of them you really? Recognize Frankfurt. It's not really your wheelhouse.
But all in all, she seems to be an impressive figure, A true expert in her field. Is there anything else you'd like to look up about her?
Speaker C:No, no, that's solid.
Speaker D:Are you sharing this information you've gathered.
Speaker C:Or I'm gonna keep it all to myself. No, I will relay what I've learned to the rest of the group.
Speaker B:Can I make a suggestion, Frankfurt? If you were to dribble out pieces of this information for a chocolate or two, you might get a little treat.
Speaker F:I said I'm not sharing.
Speaker B:I don't think he's sharing otherwise. Right, but hold on. Might be made here. You have something to offer Frankfurt. So I'm just putting that little hint out there. Okay.
Speaker F:I mean, I'll do a deal. Like, I'm always down for a good deal.
Speaker C:I mean, I could just take them from you, but, you know, we could.
Speaker F:Do a trade with your little octopus arm.
Speaker D:We call him Frankfurt the Mantis for some reason.
Speaker C:For some reason, everyone calls me that. Yes, it's true.
Speaker D:So when we get there, I assume we're gonna show her the pictures we took. Let's make it clear that we didn't take them, okay. Because of what we did last night.
Just to be clear, she might have already heard about that, or she might be aware of it somehow.
Speaker C:That's a good point.
Speaker E:Of course, it goes without saying, a.
Speaker C:Source provided these to us.
Speaker D:I'd remove metadata on those photos if you can. For that specific reason.
Speaker C:Yeah. Not something I really know how to do. Is that a. I'm sure you could Google it.
Speaker D:Pretty easy to do.
Speaker C:Okay.
Speaker B:Force. That's something you're extremely well versed in how to do if you wanted to jump in and take care of that for them.
Speaker D:Absolutely.
Speaker B:Your faith, Right?
Speaker D:I'm always doing this.
Speaker B:But Forest, if you'd like to do that, you're welcome to. Otherwise, yeah, you can just stay. Stay quiet.
Speaker C:Well, then Frankfurt is gonna Google how to remove metadata from the pictures on his phone.
Speaker B:Sure. Go ahead and roll your computer Science, please.
Speaker C:Cool.
Speaker B:If you have it.
Speaker C:Yeah. Nope. No. Zero. So we'll.
Speaker B:Okay, you're reading through some of this, and it involves downloading, like, a program from somewhere. There's, like, a whole bunch of different programs, some that do this, some do that.
You're not really into this at all, so you just say, I'll take care of this another time. That's kind of where you end up with it.
Speaker C:Yep.
Speaker F:Now, Chris, does he end up with a banzai Buddy, the little ape, the.
Speaker B:Purple ape shows up in the corner of your screen and he looks super excited. And honestly, Frankfurt, this brings you pleasure. He looks happy.
His eyes are full of wonder and hope as he bounces up and down waving his ape arms at you. He's your new friend.
Speaker C:He looks so content.
Speaker B:Gain a new bond for 22.
Speaker C:I really needed a new bond too.
Speaker D:I can't beat the power of Internet friendship.
Speaker F:Desktop sprites.
Speaker B:Okay, so y'all make your way to the heart of Oaxaca and pull up to the Museum of Culture and History. You file out, and all of you, except for Felix, roll your alertness, please.
Speaker C:I had a critical success. There you go.
Speaker D:I got a three.
Speaker C:We're fucking alert here, guys.
Speaker B:Very all three of you notice that he still has a few stains on his shirt collar of his own blood where he was hit in the back of the head last night.
It is not the most noticeable thing, but in the bright daylight of the midday sun here, as you start to walk towards the entrance of the museum, and you guys being as paranoid as you are, it's fairly noticeable to you. With your critical success, Frankfurt.
You also spot blood on your shoes and blood on fish shoes spattered around the tops of the soles, along the sides and a little bit on top of each one of them.
Speaker C:Oh, hey guys, let's put this one up to being a long night. I think we should all. I think when we get inside, we should all visit the bathroom and clean some of this blood on our shoes, guys.
Speaker F:You mean past the guard?
Speaker C:Well, I don't think the guards gonna be. Wait, is a museum guarded?
Speaker F:I mean, there's a front entrance, right? Like, do you gotta get tickets and stuff?
Speaker C:That's true. I mean, we can. We can head back to the hotel. I don't know if we'll have time though.
Speaker E:He's probably like mall security, right? Not that great.
Speaker D:Why don't we just switch out our clothes here? We got the panel van because we.
Speaker C:Do have a change of clothes, so.
Speaker B:Right, so you switched out your clothes yesterday and burnt them, but you did not really take stock of yourselves until now, now that you have the midday sun blaring down on you. And yeah, you've noticed that your shoes are indeed covered with blood and you do not have extra shoes in your van at this time.
Speaker C:Do I see a shoe store nearby?
Speaker B:You do not see a shoe store. I'm just making you aware of your condition.
Speaker C:Nope. That's totally fair. Yep.
Speaker F:Felix will look around to see if there's a gas station Or a restaurant or any other building that's not this place around here that might have a bathroom.
Speaker B:You're in the middle of sort of a office and cultural district. So there's museums, there are academic structures and institutions. There's some high end residences. There are.
There are some commercial sites as well. Sure. There can be a coffee shop here.
Speaker F:Why don't we just step in the coffee shop, wash up that way we're nice and clean as soon as we get in.
Speaker C:Yeah, I like that idea.
Speaker B:There will be no washing up of your shoes. You would have to really scrub at them for a long time.
Speaker C:Oh, they're like.
Speaker B:You know what I mean?
Speaker C:They're like soaked in. Gotcha.
Speaker B:You have dried blood stains on your shoes and your back collar that you've noticed because you're looking for them, because you're quite alert for such things. But if you go into the bathroom, you're going to. That's gonna. That's fine. You can.
I'm just letting you guys know as people who have probably had to wash blood stains before, you need like time, like a toothbrush and some chemicals and probably some privacy.
Speaker F:Chris.
Speaker C:Gotcha.
Speaker F:So are my shoes. Do they have blood on them or just my shirt?
Speaker B:No, no. You look down at your shoes, they do not appear to have blood. There's just dirt. Jungle dirt and you know, some gravel.
Speaker F:Are any of your shoe sizes the same or close to my shoe sizes?
Speaker C:No, I know. I'm actually go back to the shoe store idea. Can I Google for like pull Google Maps and to see if there's a shoe. An issue store of any kind nearby?
Speaker B:Absolutely. In Oaxaca there are many shoe stores.
Speaker C:Yeah, like a Ross or. Well, I don't think Ross, but just really anything. Yeah, if there's one close. Ish.
Speaker B:Mm.
Speaker C:Then I will just like. Hey guys, there's a shoe store not too far from here. Why don't we go dump these and get some fresh kicks on our feet?
Speaker D:Sure. Yeah, let's do that.
Speaker B:Okay. So y'all want to do that before the appointment?
Speaker C:Yes.
Speaker F:How much time do we have before the appointment?
Speaker B:You have. Let's find out. You have five minutes.
Speaker C:Well, we could do this. Well, how about this? How about Tiberius? Why don't you take these pictures?
I mean, I can't make heads or tails of them anyway, so I'm not gonna be much use. So why don't you take these, you head in and myself and Faith and I will go get some fresh shoes and deal with this blood.
Speaker F:I think the shoes are the least of our worries with the blood. My shirt is covered in the back, right?
Speaker D:Oh, you can wear my. My shirt.
Speaker B:You do have, you do have a change of clothes in the van. We did establish that last time. But as far as extra shoes, pairs of shoes, that would not be in your van necessarily.
Speaker F:Okay, so do we. We do have extra clothes. We just don't have extra shoes.
Speaker B:There's no extra shoes.
Speaker F:Got it.
Speaker E:You know, I think I could pass this off if it actually becomes an. An issue for us when we're inside. You know, art installation project, something like that. You guys were part of it. You know, we could swing it.
It doesn't have to be serious.
Speaker C:Well, I get what you're saying, but I think it might be best if we just go ditch these shoes down a gutter somewhere and get some fresh ones. That's a lot of blood. There's a lot of blood on these.
Speaker B:It's splatters. It could also be just like Forest said. It could be definitely passed off as paint or dirt. I just wanted to make you aware of it.
Speaker E:Yeah, I don't think we need to overthink this one.
Speaker F:I'm still changing my shirt.
Speaker C:Okay, good. Yeah, that's.
Speaker B:That's probably wise. It looks like you're injured from the. From the back.
Speaker F:I put on a fresh shirt.
Speaker C:We'll grab some fresh shoes after the meeting then. How about that?
Speaker B:Sounds good. So you, you put on a new shirt. Is this. I know you're kind of off of the bird kick right now in.
In Felix world, but is there anything special with this shirt? Is this is. Is there maybe a bird related anything on it?
Speaker F:Yeah, they're in on the lapels there are like an eagle skull.
Speaker B:Oh wow.
Speaker F:Like not a live bird, but like two little skulls. You know, like you see in, you know, western stuff, you know, a little cow skull, but this one's a little bird skull.
Speaker B:Got it, Got it. So you're going full goth Felix now?
Speaker F:Oh yeah.
Speaker D:For this. Oh yeah, Dark Felix.
Speaker E:I just give all this skull quite creepy compared to maybe a smaller bird skull.
Speaker F:Oh yeah, they got big eyes. Right. So there's like a lot of hollow space. Yeah.
Speaker B:You guys enter the museum, the high cavernous ceiling stretching up above you, immediately causing your footsteps, voices to echo.
You can see that along the left hand side there's a small booth where someone is providing what looks like some sort of transaction for people in a line.
Appears that they are tourists, at least from their garb and presumably their ethnicities, which place them outside of this region as Definitely not folks who are natives. But it's not really busy in here. There are no metal detectors. You notice. You don't see a security guard out here, out front at all.
But you do see a young woman in fairly nice pressed clothes. It's not really uniform, but it's obviously what she's wearing for work because she does have a name tag.
And she does greet you when you enter in Spanish and smiles. And you let her know that you have an appointment with Dr. Isabella Ramirez. And she nods to you, Felix. She says that you're expected.
And she guides you past the lines where no one really even gives you a second look, towards an elevator bank and instructs you to go to the top floor, just the fourth floor. And you'll be going down what she calls the left. I'm sorry, the west wing to one of the back offices where you'll. You'll find her.
Her private offices. So you follow her instructions and you do this. And you have one last chance to visit the restroom if you'd like to.
Otherwise we're going to keep plowing forward.
Speaker F:Yeah, I'd still like to stop at a restroom and wash my face and just make sure I'm fully presentable.
Speaker E:Maybe have a tinkle.
Speaker B:You go ahead and do that. Yeah. Wait, wait.
Speaker F:God damn it.
Speaker B:As you slowly look up at the mirror, you wince and immediately look away.
Speaker D:You did this to yourself.
Speaker B:You begin rubbing your face fairly violently with a harsh paper towel that you pull from the dispenser nearby. You shake your head. You leave as fast as you can to rejoin the others.
Speaker F:I leave the bathroom looking distraught, but with a big fake smile on my face. Who else is? So is it just me and Forest?
Speaker B:I thought it was you four.
Speaker F:Okay.
Speaker C:Yeah, we're all there.
Speaker F:Okay. Okay, cool.
Speaker B:I thought we were gonna not overthink the shoe thing just for now.
Speaker F:I just wanted to double check.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker C:I mean, I really wanted to roleplay like a shoe purchase. That would have been a lot of fun.
Speaker B:Oh, no, we'll have plenty of that. Dude, I have.
Speaker C:Fuck yeah, dude.
Speaker F:Third act, baby.
Speaker B:Yeah, we have. We have hours for this session tonight. And most of that will be shoe purchase related, sir, do your toes reach.
Speaker C:The end when you stand up?
Speaker B:Maybe better go ahead and walk again around the store, please, so I can watch that. It does seem like the right heel is slipping a little, sir. So if you could please roll for athletics.
Speaker C:Can I roll for slippage?
Speaker B:When you enter this west wing of the museum on the top floor, you can see that this is Quite a bit different. It feels like a more modern part of the building, whereas below it seems much more classical.
As far as architecture up here it feels kind of stifling. It definitely feels academic. There are blitzing fluorescents, there's cheap tile floors.
As you walk down the hall, you can see placards on cheap plastic placards on the walls announcing the denizens of office after office, sometimes individuals, sometimes working groups. But one thing does stick out to you besides the steady murmuring of people going about their days who don't really take notice of you.
As you pass by some of their open doors, you hear very loud heavy metal music kind of thrumming from the end of this long hallway. And as you continue in that direction, looking for a placard with Dr.
Ramirez's name, it's becoming unmistakable that this now exceedingly loud death metal, heavy metal, gothic metal, who knows? I don't think any of you are fans. Maybe you are, but it's coming from, I mean it's, it's coming from your. Your destin, your intended destination.
Cool. And as you approach the open door of Dr. Ramirez's office, very loud death metal is pouring from within it.
And you four peer through the open doorway, you can see a middle aged woman sitting at a large drafting table.
And she's surrounded by bookcases and shelves which are stacked with what look like artifacts and hominid skulls and books and dioramas and teetering towers, files and papers. She takes no notice of you, of course, when you are now framed in her doorway because the music is incredibly loud.
She's hunched over the drafting table which is pinned and covered with, with various sized, various colored sheaves of paper. And she's scribbling furiously.
All of these papers are covered in strange symbols, archaic designs, some of them obviously photocopies from other works. And she shovels them around expertly, as if making sense of a massive puzzle.
Speaker D:Excuse us, we have a meeting.
Speaker B:You're dainty and very quiet. Canadian voice is drowned out by the incredibly loud metal music. She does not turn around.
Speaker C:Frankfurt lets out a loud, loud whistle. You know when you get the two.
Speaker B:Fingers in your mouth so you let out this piercing whistle and she starts up and spins around. She's on a little swivel stool. She almost spins a full 360 before stopping herself. Seems quite surprised.
And she looks up and meets your eyes there in her doorway.
Speaker C:Frankfurt just smiles, kind of waves.
Speaker B:She holds up her hand and stands up, jumping off a bit. She's a pretty short statured woman.
She jumps off of the stool and walks over to a shelf to her left now and you see her go ahead and turn a knob on a very modern looking stereo system with very large floor monitors and brings it down to a bearable volume but doesn't turn it off. So she's wearing a colorful and what appears to be maybe traditional embroidered dress. She keeps her graying hair fairly long around her shoulders.
Actually she looks maybe to be in her early 50s. But she pushes up her glasses on the bridge of her nose and she smiles and walks towards you. A bit loud.
I suppose I find that particular arrangement of timbres perfect for getting through Zapotec gray inventories. Our mutual friend tells me you have something far more interesting for me. I can't wait to see it. Come in. Come in.
She motions you to come in and close the door behind you.
Speaker F:Felix will walk up next to her. Wow. I didn't know that someone told you about it. But that kind of ruins the surprise. I got you a gift. And I bring up the chocolates to her.
Speaker B:She takes a look and pushes her glasses again on the bridge of her nose seems to be some sort of nervous tic because they're firmly placed there already. And she smiles broadly. Well, that's quite thoughtful. Thank you so much. You're very well mannered. I didn't expect that.
She smiles again very broadly and takes the chocolates from you. She seems pleased.
Speaker D:Smart.
Speaker F:What was that?
Speaker B:I suppose I should introduce myself. Although I do not doubt that our mutual friend already told you who you were meeting today. But I am Dr.
Isabella Ramirez and I am very excited to be assisting you. What are your names?
Speaker F:I'm Felix and I do the little two kisses on the cheek thing.
Speaker B:Oh, nice. Oh yeah. She returns. She returns it.
Speaker D:Faith introduced himself as Agent Faith and awkwardly mimics what Felix did.
Speaker B:Oh, you are. They build you big wherever you come from. She laughs.
Speaker D:Corn fed.
Speaker C:I'm Frank and he just extends a hand.
Speaker B:She takes it. She doesn't firmly handshake. She kind of just places her hand in yours.
Speaker C:Oh, gives me shivers.
Speaker B:And you, young lady?
Speaker E:I'm Agent Forest. Nice to meet you. And I extend my hand for a firm handshake as well.
Speaker B:Yep, she just kind of places it in your hands too. Well, I have the rest of my afternoon cleared away and I'm very much hoping that what.
What you're bringing me is as exciting as our friend made it sound.
Speaker D:We hope so too. We have recently come in possession of some photographs that we would love your interpretation on.
Speaker B:Okay. What Are the photographs of or should you just give them to me? What works best?
Speaker C:I think it might be easiest if we just show you.
Speaker B:Very well, Paris.
Speaker C:Frankfurt pulls out his phone and says, how would you.
Speaker B:Ah, they're on your phone. Well, if you're all right with it, we'll go ahead and plug it into my computer and we'll go ahead and grab those photographs off.
You're welcome to do it yourselves. I know it's probably something you would prefer to do and not have me snooping around in your special phones.
She kind of corners of her mouth twitches when she uses that phrase.
Speaker D:Faith turns to Forest and says, forest.
Speaker E:Yeah, Yeah, I can help do that.
Speaker C:Frankfurt hands Forest his phone.
Speaker B:Yeah, so Forest, you take the phone over and you're able to extract just the photographs that Frankfurt took onto Dr. Ramirez's iMac. Yeah, you go ahead and set it up so nothing else is carried over.
And as you're doing this, you consider, because you can, removing any metadata from the photographs at this time. Is that something you want to do?
Speaker E:Yes, I will remove the metadata as well.
Speaker B:Yeah, you don't have to roll for that. You have your computer science is plenty high. It's a very, very, very simple thing to do. So.
Yeah, before they end up on her computer, you remove the metadata.
Speaker E:I was silent before because I didn't quite understand what that even means with the whole metadata thing.
Speaker B:When digital photographs are taken, they will store not just the pictographic evidence or the photographic evidence, but also it will create like, oh, the time it was taken, sometimes GPS coordinates and gotcha.
Speaker D:There's all kinds of junk that can go with that.
Speaker B:Actually, photographs are a way that spies communicate to one another. They'll actually put pinpoint data in the photographic data that can be decoded with keys, and they'll actually send messages that way.
So, you know, you send a picture of a loving family, but it really has instructions or blueprints for a stolen nuclear device or something.
Speaker D:Everybody knows that spies be putting goatsies up all the time.
Speaker B:It's all goatsy.
Speaker D:Those goatsies are just secret data and goats.
Speaker F:So look close, friends and listeners.
Speaker D:Stare into the loving eye of goats.
Speaker C:Really, just get in there, get comfortable. Sa.