The dancing flames reveal the towering and unimaginable forms, while the frenzied screams of those consumed by twisted desires echo through the air.
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Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. Illustrations by Dennis Detwiller are reproduced by permission. The contents of this podcast are © GiggleDome Productions, LLC, excepting those elements that are components of Delta Green intellectual property.
All right, Vadim.
Speaker B:That's me.
Speaker C:That is you.
Speaker D:That was you. That's a lot of dice.
Speaker A:Oh, boy.
Speaker B:That's. That's that.
Speaker E:I'm.
Speaker C:I'm pulling so many dice, there's a lot of people on top of you, so.
Speaker A:That's true.
Speaker D:Before you got back on, Eric was wondering if you had descriptions for every single cheerleader or whatever.
Speaker C:Yeah, Eric was totally the one wondering.
Speaker A:Yeah, we'll just ask ChatGPT for that if it comes up. All right, let's see here.
Speaker E:I think it just came up.
Speaker A:Oh, boy. All right, so you are being, again, beaten mercilessly by a bunch of sorority sisters who are in various states of maniacal laughter or anger.
They wail upon you with their fists, scratching at you with what look like long nails and some trying to bite your flesh and your clothes. It's not a pleasant experience that you try to extract yourself from. It seems to be a terrible fate.
I will give you a dodge now that you are of soundish mind. Sure.
Speaker B:Let's give it a Dodge. 96 of 30.
Speaker A:Hmm.
Speaker D:We are so good at the end, right? Like every time the end, we just, like, roll like dog shit. We do everything wrong.
Speaker A:You did pretty good with that, Tyrone.
Speaker D:Yeah, well, I do fine.
Speaker B:Beautiful.
Speaker A:Oh, boy. All right, just go ahead and roll a constitutional line pulling up these rules.
Speaker B:Sure thing. Nice. Success. 35 of 70.
Speaker A:Excellent. Yeah. You feel these fists, feet, nails and teeth rip you and beat you and pummel you. Blood fills your mouth. Your left eye goes black.
Feel something crack inside your torso as a foot meets rib. This is an unpleasant experience.
Speaker B:That's my Foley for you.
Speaker A:No, thank you. Unfortunately, Discord cut you out again. I assume it was just a skibidi toilet.
Speaker B:No, it was actually an attempt at skibidi. It was a really weak.
Speaker A:Oh, got it. Okay, cool.
Speaker B:I'm going to do it three more times just so you really get it.
Speaker A:Got it. Okay, go ahead.
Speaker C:Why does Discord want us to hear that now?
Speaker A:I don't know.
Speaker D:Yeah, I don't want it.
Speaker B:Probably because I. Surprised.
Speaker A:Yeah, it got surprised. Ooh.
Speaker E:Ooh.
Speaker A:Titillated. Oh, God, Vadim, you're holding onto the sides of your head as they wail upon you.
You tried to grab one of these young girl's legs and had no luck as they redoubled their effort and fury upon you. What do you do?
Speaker B:So I dodged and I can still.
Speaker A:I gave you a dodge. Yes. And I'm gonna now give you a full turn as well.
Speaker D:Do one of those breakdance moves where you like, flip up.
Speaker E:Yeah.
Speaker B:Does a spin.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker A:Do some capoeira. A spin.
Speaker B:Kick around and somehow writes himself on his feet.
Speaker A:Yeah. It's an unarmed. If you want to do that. It's an unarmed. Go ahead. No, no. He absolutely knows he's rusty. He plays a lot of Tekken in Russia.
Speaker B:Well, I managed to fucking.
Speaker D:Oh, my God.
Speaker A:Critical fail.
Speaker B:And that's gonna. That's a check here because that is fucking hilarious.
Speaker A:Go ahead and check that. Yeah. Unfucking me. You reach out your right hand to right yourself so you can do this. Cool. Breakdance. Get up. Move.
And it's immediately crushed under a stiletto heel. You feel the bones splinter and snap beneath it as she grinds your hand into the dirt of the ground.
Speaker D:Imagine how cool it would be if you did it, though.
Speaker B:It would have been so cool. Instead, he dies today.
Speaker A:Instead.
Speaker D:It's just really sad.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker D:Old Russian man.
Speaker B:An old Russian man just getting beaten to death by women in their prime teens.
Speaker A:Lenny, you've sprayed a cloud of quickly dispersing pepper spray in the air in front of you. Your eyes are already starting to water. You know that this is going to get bad. What do you want to do?
Speaker E:Well, pick a card. Hit a card. No, no, no. Okay, he's going to.
He's going to get his knife out and he's going to take his knife out and his little knife and stab the big guy.
Speaker A:Okay?
You take out your pocket knife and you flip it open and you rush towards this gigantic mass of pustule covered muscle, and you roll your melee weapons.
Speaker E:Until his sanity breaks and Lenny runs for the trees. He's going to stand and fight.
Speaker D:Gotta use those precious digits.
Speaker E:Let's see here. Melee weapons. Okay. Okay. Hey.
Speaker D:A3.
Speaker E:Hey, we haven't seen many of those. A3 out of 30. Success.
Speaker A:Go ahead and roll your damage.
Speaker E:Oh, happily. Three damage. Okay. Please tell me I killed it.
Speaker A:Please tell me you killed so. Okay. Your knife sinks into what looks like a large greenish pustule the size of a cantaloupe. And it splits in about four pieces.
Too quickly, honestly. The knife goes through, so does most of your hand and wrist.
And a thick brown ichor seeps down like rotten tree SAP and great gouts all over your arm, all over the ground beneath as you feel something squirm and touch you inside the creature.
Speaker D:What is this? A mechanic flesh mech?
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker B:Two little lips kiss your wrist.
Speaker A:Zechariah. You're the man to find out. It's your turn.
Speaker D:All right. How does the one I Hit. Look. Does he look really bad or does he look just as pissed off as his brother?
Speaker A:You still have the tire iron kind of lodged within part of its skull. Question mark. Chest cavity, question mark.
To your right is your brother in arms, Lenny Hargrave, who has, you think maybe one punch manned this thing in part of its chest because his hand has gone through a good portion of it. You can see what must be important, fluids coming out of its body, dripping across the ground.
Lyney has also really delivered a powerful blow to this being. However, it hasn't fallen or really staggered much since your initial hit. It's grasping through the air with its multi digited limb.
The other limb that's closer to Lenny is squatter. It's shorter, it's more muscular. And you can see that it is moving towards Lenny's body as if to grab him around the waist.
Speaker D:All right, I'm going to attack that.
Speaker A:Limb, the limb that's closest to you or the limb that's past Lyney to.
Speaker D:Your right, the one that's past Lyney.
Speaker A:You're going to try to wrench the tire iron out of the creature and then twirl about and hit that limb. I can see it happen. Okay. I've got it in my mind. It can happen. Okay, first let's go ahead and roll a strength, please.
You need to get this thing out of this morass of shattered bone and strange organ meat.
Speaker D:You don't have to keep describing it. I get it.
Speaker B:No, no, keep going.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker D:20 out of 75.
Speaker A:With a thickening crunch, the tire iron arcs through the air, bringing with it various colors of fluids that crest through the air, glittering in front of the flickering bonfire.
You turn on your back, left heel spinning, and you bring down the tire iron as hard as you can upon the thick, meaty stump that's grasping its way towards Lenny's form. Roll your melee weapons and I'm gonna give you a plus 20 on this one.
Speaker D:Perfect. Because I needed it. So 56 out of 50. Plus 20.
Speaker A:20.
Speaker D:I did it.
Speaker A:Roll the damage.
Speaker D:I've never played a tough guy that like wins at hitting things. This is pretty cool. 6.
Speaker C:Nice.
Speaker A:You bring the tire iron down on what looks like a trunk like joint. It has thick calluses that cluster like barnacles. Some purple, some blue.
And you hear a horrible crack as the blow knocks shards and splinters of bone and other internals through its skin. Another question mark there for you. You see dark, dark red splatter against the ground.
It makes a horrifying choking sob sound now the sing songiness is gone. It just rasps and chokes as if its lungs are being slowly filled with water.
Speaker C:But is it dead?
Speaker D:And it says, I give up. And it flies back to its home planet.
Speaker A:Sophie, it's your turn.
Speaker C:All right, so I'm going to continue a little sidestep dance. Now that there is a second creepy amalgamation.
Speaker D:That's.
Speaker C:What do you call it?
Speaker D:Abomination.
Speaker C:Yeah, that.
Speaker A:The playtest group called it a meatball.
Speaker C:I love it. A walking meatball. Now that there's a second one, I don't think it's good for us to all be so close.
It just puts us all in the danger zone at the same time. So I'm gonna keep sidestepping to my right while now aiming focus at the one that's close, closer to me. That probably has less hits. Right.
Speaker A:This is the one you think you shot because it fell backwards after you were.
Speaker C:Okay, I thought that was the blaze.
Speaker A:Of bullets I think I shot.
Speaker C:Okay, well, then I guess I'll keep taking aim. But I'm moving. I'm still sidestepping further away from these guys to sort of draw some attention away from them as well.
So it's just, you know, it gives somebody time to breathe.
Speaker A:That's the classic Charleston shuffle. Yeah. Very familiar with that maneuver. Okay, so you've done that.
Speaker C:Yes.
Speaker A:Is that all you're gonna do in your turn?
Speaker D:You shoot.
Speaker C:Oh, well, I thought I said that. Sorry. Yeah, I'm gonna shoot at it again while I'm side shuffling. Charleston shuffle. Yeah.
Speaker A:All right. It's a firearms. You're at point blank at this point, so I'm gonna give you 20%.
Speaker C:Oof.
Speaker D:Hell yeah.
Speaker A:Didn't need it.
Speaker C:Success.
Speaker A:Roll your damage.
Speaker C:Yes, please. One.
Speaker B:Nice.
Speaker C:Anything counts.
Speaker A:You did not roll your damage.
Speaker C:Oh, yeah.
Speaker B:That's a 1D4 pistol.
Speaker C:1D8. Yeah, sorry about that. Seven. Now we're talking. Okay, that's better.
Speaker A:Whoa, whoa. You go ahead and you fire and you hit this thing in its good black eye.
And you see that explode open in kind of a star formation as cracks splinter through various shifting plates of bone. Oddly bulbous cartilage and thick clusters of yellow adipose tissue that hang off it in drapes. And it stops in its tracks.
Stays upright, but it's almost rigid. It's like almost frozen. Stands there, stunned for the moment.
Speaker C:How are you still standing? Oh, my God.
Speaker A:Oh, boy. Let's see what this thing can do. The yawning cavernous maw next to the spot where you Dug in your tire iron. So deftly, Zachariah stretches wide.
You hear a cracking sound, one similar to the sound of breaking its arm. You think you did, at least. And they're not sharp teeth. They're actually yellow and rounded like slabs.
They almost look like yellowed tombstones riddled with black lightning bolts.
It opens wider and wider, growing before your eyes as this giant mouth begins to move towards where you're standing, stretching out from the pustule covered flesh foundation of the creature itself, possibly unhinging and then unhinging again and just growing larger and larger. The other one that sits there, stunned, rolls. It shivers, shakes, almost seizes and begins lumbering towards you again, stopped for only a moment.
Speaker D:Damn.
Speaker A:Its limb stretches out towards you. This is almost two limbs.
It has a tiny, almost, perhaps an infant's arm sticking off of the main one that has at least seven or eight fingers on it that are far too long. And it grasps towards you as it staggers forward. You deftly sidestep, continuing your Charleston shuffle.
Speaker B:All right, Vadim, former agent Vadim, former.
Speaker D:Human, formerly alive Agent Vadim, let's see.
Speaker A:How this goes for you.
Speaker B:Not going well. So he's a fine paste now.
Speaker D:It might be a coarse paste.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker A:All right, we got two critical failures in there.
Speaker D:They accidentally kill each other. All of them.
Speaker B:A comedy of errors.
Speaker D:I can't wait for one of these big guys to be like, grab my little arm.
Speaker C:I don't know what to do with my hands.
Speaker A:All right, so every once in a while, something cool just happens. With math, it doesn't matter. I'm not gonna go through this. We're playing the game.
Speaker C:I need you to explain that because I don't believe you. Something cool with math.
Speaker A:I'm gonna pace.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:Tell us one cool thing that ever happened with math.
Speaker A:Well, Vadim didn't die this round. Oh, cool.
Speaker D:Cool, cool. That's kind of cool.
Speaker A:Fists continue to rain upon you. That burning log is no longer burning, but it kind of shoves against your chin. It's not comfortable. No one's really finding purchase.
You're doing your best to guard your vitals, guard your head. Crouch down on the ground in sort of a protective boxer stance. You're hoping. You're hoping you can hold out under this barrage.
What would you like to do with your turn?
Speaker D:You should try the break dancing move again.
Speaker B:Yeah, I'm just gonna go for that.
Speaker D:Fuck it.
Speaker B:Gonna windmill these idiots.
Speaker D:He's got another wrist, right?
Speaker C:Okay, but does Vadim say anything when he does that? Because I feel like you can't just do that without.
Speaker B:I don't know if he has enough teeth or jaw power left to say anything.
Speaker E:All the best heroes call out their moves.
Speaker A:There's only one word that a man with no teeth can say, and it is from a Georgian YouTube video series that is probably the most popular one on Earth. So whenever he says.
Speaker B:And it goes. And it goes a little something like this, and I'm going to say it without teeth. Are you ready?
Speaker A:Mm. Take those out before you say it. Yep. Thank you. Gibber deep. Roll your own arms.
Speaker B:Nice.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker E:Why that made me so Sad.
Speaker B:Nice. Success. 7 of 60.
Speaker A:Roll your damage.
Speaker D:Hey, see, the capoeira always works. Unless it does, right?
Speaker B:Unless it doesn't.
Speaker D:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker B:Four dam. Oh, one damage.
Speaker A:Yeah, it would have been zero. A few weren't so strong. All right, one damage. I see it.
Speaker D:So you rolled a one D4, got a one, got a minus one. And then got a plus one.
Speaker B:And got a plus one.
Speaker A:Because of my muscles while I'm doing this, go ahead and roll your athletics. Minus 20, please. Oof.
Speaker B:Nice. Failure. 89 of 40.
Speaker A:Yeah. You try your best to stand up under this unyielding pain, and you're much, much more injured than you thought.
Something creaks inside you that doesn't stop you from jutting out your foot into someone's shin. You hear. You hear a girl scream in pain. That brings you some contentment in this moment as your vision begins to tunnel.
Speaker D:Cupidy.
Speaker A:Lenny.
Speaker E:How am I still here? Okay.
Speaker B:How are we all still here?
Speaker D:I'm gonna do some capoeira. Lenny.
Speaker B:Time to end this, Lenny. With your fists of magic.
Speaker A:Yeah. You're still wrist deep inside this creature.
Speaker D:Go all the way in. Just dive in.
Speaker C:That's what she said.
Speaker E:I felt something grabbing onto my hand. Is that right?
Speaker A:There's something inside of the torso that's definitely moving. It's responding to your presence within the creature.
Speaker C:Gris.
Speaker E:I am going to. Lenny is actually gonna attempt to stab the thing inside. Moving around. He's gonna stab for that.
Speaker A:Pretty cool. Go ahead, roll your. I'm sorry. Your melee weapons plus 20%.
Speaker E:Happily.
Speaker D:Well, this is like Independence Day.
Speaker E:Oh, he failed. 69 out of 50. 69 out of 50. That's a failure.
Speaker A:Go ahead and roll your damage. Anyway. This is for Flava.
Speaker E:Some flailing around a knife inside this thing's body. I think that's fair. Got a two.
Speaker A:All right, so you're actually gonna. You're actually gonna damage it, but here's what else happens.
Speaker D:It dies.
Speaker A:You go ahead and you begin just violently stabbing inside this creature's torso, trying to slice at whatever's moving. It's causing your stomach to churn with nausea, revulsion and terror. And whatever it is, it takes grasp of your wrist and it starts to squeeze.
It starts to constrict and it is fast and it is painful and everything goes red for a moment and you feel yourself being pulled inside.
Speaker E:Oh no.
Speaker A:All righty, Zechariah, your turn.
Speaker E:Oh fuck.
Speaker D:I'm going to finish pushing Lenny inside of the thing so he can take control of it. No.
Speaker E:Hell yeah.
Speaker D:I mean that might actually work. I don't know.
Speaker A:I mean, you may recall that it's turning into some sort of enormous mouth full of yellow dull teeth. That mouth is stretching towards you impossibly like some sort of claymation horror.
Speaker D:Oh yeah, that's terrible. Okay, this one I want to bash that goopy eye thing.
Speaker A:Gotcha.
You don't see that much anymore just because of the sudden transformation of head knob and the top of its torso into just an enormous tooth filled maw. But you can definitely smash around in that big old mouth or below it or around it, whatever, whatever tickles your fancy.
Speaker D:I'm going to smash around the area that I think I remember where that eye area is.
Speaker A:Yeah, that's definitely not apparent, but you're going to do your best anyway. Go ahead and roll your melee weapons plus 20%.
Speaker D:Okay, success.
Speaker A:All right, roll your damage.
Speaker D:And would that be a critical success here with the 20?
Speaker A:No, no. Only doubles are critical successes. And one.
Speaker D:Got it. Five.
Speaker A:All right, five damage. You go ahead and avoiding what appears to be now a quickly snapping and a very large unhinged mouth.
Bring down the tire iron again next to this growing maw as hard as you can. And now a familiar crunching cracking occurs as you force the thing down onto its knees joints. As it is now more or less at your face height.
The maw opens. You hear a choking scream from inside. Hope it's one of pain. You hope it's one of surrender. Sophie, it's your turn.
Speaker C:Okay, so that creature was still standing last time. I'm going to unload my pistol on that creature. I'm trying to bring it down.
Speaker A:Go ahead and roll up 20%. And this time you can use your pistol. Is now you've gotcha set. Nice.
Speaker D:Hey yo.
Speaker C:Success. 69 out of 84.
Speaker A:Roll that damage.
Speaker C:Yep, yep. 1 to 8. 4.
Speaker A:You fire again in that same spot and you see a gout of Green, black and red explode out of the back of what must be some sort of eye bearing head knob.
Huge clusters of something unmentionable fly out, sputter into the flame behind it, and it falls backwards under the momentum of the bullet, and the top of its body scatters logs part of the flame as it thuds against the ground. Part of the bonfire sparks up, almost explodes in the night air.
There's much less light now, but that thing isn't getting back up as part of it slowly burns away and begins turning into a blackened crisp.
Speaker D:We might survive.
Speaker E:Oh, hold your horse and sitting.
Speaker C:You just jinxed the shit out of us.
Speaker B:We are not surviving this.
Speaker C:Love the optimism.
Speaker A:All right. The maw snaps, finally getting purchased with its dull yellow black flecked teeth. Finally getting purchased on you, Zachariah.
Speaker D:I thought he died.
Speaker C:Nothing actually works anymore. Nope.
Speaker D:So wait, is the one that Lenny's inside of dead or the other one.
Speaker A:You and Lyney are dealing with the same one. And Lyney's arm is in it. Your tire iron is also in it. You guys are both penetrating this beast at once.
Speaker E:Yeah, buddy.
Speaker D:High five, Lenny.
Speaker E:Gross.
Speaker A:Think that's called Eskimo Brothers.
Speaker D:Eiffel Tower.
Speaker A:There you go.
Speaker C:Oh.
Speaker A:All right. It crunches down on you. This is part of your arm, part of your shoulder. And it doesn't feel great.
Not because just that it's nearly cutting you in half, but because none of these teeth are particularly sharp. It feels like giant stones are grinding your bones and muscle, your cartilage.
Everything is just being ground by this enormous growing maw as all of this thing's flesh is repurposed to form this masticating giant appendage out of everything else. The pain is unbearable. You barely hold on to your tire iron. I need you to roll a constitution, please.
Speaker D:Dang. 67 out of 60. Dang.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker B:Looking like a snack.
Speaker A:All right, that's that thing's turn. All right, let's go to these ladies again.
Speaker C:Ladies. Seems a little far fetched, right, Girls?
Speaker D:Sisters.
Speaker A:Sisters. There we go.
Speaker C:Sisters. Sisters. Sisters.
Speaker D:Never knew how much I missed you.
Speaker A:All right, whatever. Let's see what happens.
Speaker D:Is that good or bad?
Speaker C:I know, right? It's like he's disappointed. But why?
Speaker A:Unbelievable fists continue to rain down upon you, Vadim. You are gritting your teeth.
Your vision is going tunneled black, and you cling to that one word that brings you so much hope as you tell me what you'd like to do with your last flickering moment of consciousness.
Speaker E:Skibidi.
Speaker B:And Then he's gonna uppercut the nearest sorority girl woman.
Speaker A:Yeah, but we want to hear the noise.
Speaker C:Oh, my gosh. I was waiting. I lowered my microphone.
Speaker B:You wanna hear the oh, the.
Speaker C:Like I put my ear to the microphone. Why did I put my ear to the microphone? That's not even where your voice is coming through.
Speaker B:Tell me more microphone. Tell me your secrets.
Speaker A:Go ahead and roll your unarmed. The no detriment and no benefit.
Speaker B:Heyo.
Speaker A:34 of 60.
Speaker B:And then here's my damage. It's more of a darnage if I really have to.
Speaker A:Agreed.
Speaker B:Be specific.
Speaker A:Yeah, no, I appreciate that.
Speaker C:Specific or Pacific?
Speaker B:Pacific.
Speaker A:That makes sense to me.
Speaker B:All right, that's three damage.
Speaker A:You somehow maneuver yourself out of this fetal position and using your right leg, despite all of the wheezing and groaning inside of your ribs, or, sorry, inside of your torso, you spring forward and connect your fist in the jaw of one of these women. You see her for a moment in the flickering light that seems to be dying as part of it's been extinguished by something that's happening.
But you see that she has orange spiky hair and part of her head is shaved.
Speaker B:This makes me very happy.
Speaker A:She staggers backward and screams. Does that achieve any of your motivations?
Speaker B:Punching women?
Speaker A:No. Yeah. Okay. Just asking.
Speaker C:Oh my God, the laugh.
Speaker A:All right, Lyney, what would you like to do? You are being pulled into the soup of this now giant mouth with legs.
Speaker E:He is going to. Ooh, you know what I was gonna say. He's gonna try to break free is what he wants to do. Yeah, that's what he's gonna do.
Speaker A:Go ahead and roll. Either a strength or an unarmed. Whichever's higher.
Speaker E:That would be strength, surprisingly. All right, here we go. Failure and failure.
Speaker A:You stagger and trip and you fall a bit more into this cavernous hole on the side of this mouth that is grinding now. You see grinding Zachariah next to you. Roll your sanity.
Speaker E:Oh, good. Oh, good. This is all good. This is good stuff, everybody.
Speaker A:This is from helplessness. Would you like to project any potential loss?
Speaker E:Nah, let's just go with it.
Speaker C:I felt like that was a pretty natural response to helplessness.
Speaker E:Yeah, it's like. Nah.
Speaker A:You realize that maybe in the next few seconds, your face will be submerged inside the creature's strange body.
Speaker E:That's a bad time, dude.
Speaker A:As you're sucked into this pustule black hole on the side of it.
Speaker B:Hmm.
Speaker A:Sakurai, I need you to also roll a sanity from helplessness as you are ground alive. Eviscerated and masticated by this thing's enormous mouth. Would you like to project any potential loss?
Speaker D:I'm gonna follow my buddy here and just take it.
Speaker A:Fair enough.
Speaker C:That's what she said.
Speaker D:Eiffel Tower.
Speaker A:Your hand still gripped around the tire iron as this maw has closed around you, what would you like to do?
Speaker D:I would like to take the tire iron and stab it into the thing with the long, the long part.
Speaker A:It's going to be tough to maneuver it like that just because of the poor leverage you have being grounded between its slab like teeth.
Speaker D:Well, then I'm. Then I'm just going to bash it then if it's.
Speaker A:Yeah, you just like lift your hand up and do your best to maneuver it so that you can hold the crook and then you're going to try to stab it like a sword into it. That, that kind of makes sense as you're pretty much pinned in its maw. So there's no real, you know, arc of strength in order to swing this thing.
So since that's the case, let's go ahead and roll an athletics or a dexterity, whichever is higher.
Speaker D:Athletics 39 76s.
Speaker A:You're able to very quickly and deftly maneuver this so that you're holding onto the crook of the tire iron.
And then you just drive it as deep as you can into the point where, honestly the only direction and point into this thing's flesh, which is towards its center that you can possibly get leverage on from your pinned position. You can roll. Your damage is going to have a detriment of minus two.
Speaker D:All right, I rolled a seven. Minus two.
Speaker A:So five damage. You hear the thing shudder and groan in an explosion of what can only be described as some sort of internal geyser.
An explosion of red and black chunk filled liquid expels you from this maw as it wrenches open, letting go of you under the pressure of all of this fluid. You fly, fly away from this creature and slam into something behind you. Causes you to wince in pain. You see Lenny as well.
He's expelled from this creature as this fluid also presses against him with great pressure.
The thing falls again to the ground from its knees, sliding as the maw opens wider and wider until it's stuck in this sort of rictus, this silent scream towards the starry heavens and it stops moving.
The only sounds you hear are those of screams of sorority women as they continue to beat upon Vadim, oblivious to the horrific carnage occurring around them.
Speaker D:Oh, that's fine. I'm just here to save Lenny.
Speaker E:Thanks.
Speaker A:Bud. Sophie, you have seen this. Now what would you like to do?
Speaker C:Oh, my God. Literal lust for words. I'm gonna Charleston shuffle back towards these guys.
Speaker A:Mm. It's a powerful maneuver. I respect you for continuing to use it and honoring the memory of Charleston.
Speaker C:Beautiful dance move.
Speaker D:And his chew.
Speaker A:That's an excellent chew.
Speaker C:All right, I'm a very delicate lady, but don't mistake that for a weak lady. So strength wise, I'm picturing myself. Nope, hold on, let me think about this real quick.
Speaker D:You should just shoot Vadim. Put him out of his misery.
Speaker C:Vadim, are you in misery?
Speaker B:That's probably a good idea. Oh, he is having a bad time.
Speaker A:Mathematically. He probably can't survive the next round. Yeah, he's going to die. Well, that's not true. That's not true. Never mind.
Speaker B:He went out doing what he loved. Swinging on young adult women.
Speaker C:Yeah, no, I'm going to probably fire at the one that stuck her heel in his arm. In his hand.
Speaker A:You're not super aware of that even happening? All you can see right now is a bunch of women beating on him. He has risen up out of this dog pile and he's clocked one in the face. One you recognize.
The girl who followed you, the girl you met in front of the Cutler Residential Hall. He is covered with blood. He's missing teeth. One of his eyes is already swollen shut. Blood wells from it. His clothing is torn, ragged, dirty.
Speaker D:He looks exactly the same as when you first saw him.
Speaker C:Hmm. I was gonna be a little bit bold, but, yeah, no, I think I'll shoot at the girl that I recognize.
Speaker B:You should totally shoot Vadim and see what happens after.
Speaker C:Pure pressure.
Speaker B:I'm kidding. Do what you want. Do the choice. Make the choice that feels right for you.
Speaker C:I'll go crazy. My willpower is already, like, nuts, though.
Speaker A:Yeah, that's fair.
Speaker C:I'm going to shoot at the girl that I recognize, which is not great either.
Speaker A:Bit plus 20% to your pistol.
Speaker C:Yeah. Okay.
Speaker D:Should have asked if anyone was wearing, like, a pointy hat or anything. Like.
Speaker A:Like, the main witch.
Speaker D:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker A:Always looking for the main witch. It's wise. It's a wise decision. Roll your damage.
Speaker C:I like that. 5.
Speaker A:You fire and you see a wound appear on the lower half of her abdomen as she staggers backward, clutching at her stomach. She screams in pain.
Speaker C:Stalker bitch.
Speaker B:Say, rush week's on, bitch.
Speaker C:Oh, that's better. Rush week's on, bitch.
Speaker D:She goes, ooh, you got me.
Speaker C:You didn't even give me your dorm card. Rude.
Speaker A:All right.
Speaker C:Jesus, that sounds bad.
Speaker A:Yes, for the Tri Z sister. She Critically failed with a 44.
Speaker B:Whoopsie poopsie.
Speaker C:That's a whoopsie poopsie. Chris.
Speaker A:Mm.
Speaker C:Oh, God.
Speaker A:Sorry, Vadim. This time it didn't work out for you.
Speaker B:That's okay.
Speaker A:Somebody hit you in the back of the head and you fall forward, everything goes black. Lenny, go ahead and roll a constitution for me, okay?
Speaker C:How are you doing that?
Speaker E:Success. 34 out of 50. There's a rare one. I'll take it.
Speaker A:Your eyes open. They sting. Is it the. Is it the pepper spray or is it the. You look down at your body and it's covered in a reddish black brownish syrup.
It smells of rot and decay. You're coated in this thick slop. As you stand to your feet, quivering.
You look up and you can see Sophie firing a gun again and again in a crowd of sorority sisters that are beating Fadim to death.
Look over to your left and you can see that Zachariah is in no better shape than you, covered in whatever was inside this thing that just exploded like some sort of pressurized balloon. What would you like to do with your turn?
Speaker E:Cry. I want to say. Just maybe sit down, roll, cry, have a good cry.
Speaker B:There's a rule for that.
Speaker D:Could give me a forehead kiss.
Speaker C:Unnatural.
Speaker E:All right, so he. Okay, so he still somehow has control over his actions because he hasn't completely gone crazy yet. So he is going to.
He sees Vadim on the ground being attacked. He's going to attempt to save Vadim, so he's going to take his knife and charge the girl that's attacking him.
Speaker A:Got it.
Speaker E:Let's do that.
Speaker A:You, Lyney. War cry. And fling yourself towards this crowd of vicious sisters and try to stab the nearest one in the back.
This is different than stabbing a monster. It's really kind of tough for you to stab this girl in a halter top, but you do your best.
Speaker E:I think you meant to say these twisted sisters, not these vicious.
Speaker B:Well said. Well said.
Speaker A:We're getting a little twisted tonight. Go ahead and roll your knife.
Speaker E:Oh. Failed. 76. There we go.
Speaker A:That's what I was expecting you kind of. It's tough for you to stab a girl in the back. It's just a.
You hesitate for a moment and you try to figure out what you're doing and how best to do it. And. Yeah, you're not exactly sure how to tackle this. It feels weird.
Speaker E:Yeah. It's just not. It's not a normal thing to do.
Speaker A:Zachariah. You. You stand up, you're covered with this slop that I described previously.
Although there are a couple of giant vein like tubes that are draped across your shoulders as well, you can see that something's dreadfully wrong. You're bleeding badly, but you're not sure exactly from where. The pain, it starts in your right shoulder and in somewhere on your left flank.
You were ground within the mouth of this creature and somehow you've emerged relatively unscathed. At least enough to stand to your feet here, covered in its entrails. What would you like to do?
Speaker D:Zechariah's in a bashing mood, so he's also going to go bash the closest swordy sister.
Speaker A:You still have your tire gripped like a sword.
And you stride forward, no emotion on your face, and make your way to one of the girls that's viciously being Vadim, who's crumpled in a heap on the ground now. And you go ahead and you swing. Roll your tire iron, please.
Speaker D:10 out of 50. We're talking about Huey Lewis on the news.
Speaker A:Wow. Well, roll that. Damage.
Speaker D:Three.
Speaker A:Nicely done. You swing and you hit one of these girls across the back. She screams and stumbles forward. Sophie, it's your turn.
Speaker C:I feel like we were attacking different sorority sisters, right?
Speaker A:That is correct. Yeah.
Speaker C:I'm going to continue with this biatch that followed us. I'm going to shoot at her again right from where I'm at. No more at Charleston shuffle for now.
Speaker D:Fair.
Speaker A:Go ahead and fire. It's a plus 20%.
Speaker C:I didn't do plus 20. You succeeded, but I succeeded.
Speaker A:So roll Your damage.
Speaker C:Damage 3 Skibidi.
Speaker D:In remembrance.
Speaker A:You fire again at her, this time striking her in the right shoulder. She falls down to the ground, clutching her wounds as blood spills forth. She screams and screams again.
You hear her yell something along the lines of great mother.
Speaker D:What did you say? I can hear with.
Speaker B:Yeah, cut out on you, Great, great.
Speaker A:Mother in a discord. Disapproved volume level.
Speaker C:Thought it would have been something about goats. Damn.
Speaker D:I mean, the goat could be her great mother.
Speaker C:Oh, God.
Speaker D:Yeah, it's behind us.
Speaker A:One of the sisters turns towards you, Zechariah, and she grins, blood behind her teeth. And she raises a now dead log, no longer aflame, and swings it at your head.
Speaker D:Bring it.
Speaker A:I will let you either dodge or fight back.
Speaker D:I'm a fight back.
Speaker A:Roll your tyrant.
Speaker D:D. One out of 50. Damn.
Speaker C:Phew. Yeah.
Speaker A:All right, here comes the pain train.
Speaker D:Can't win them all. You know, Marconi was like, you should dodge, but Zachariah was like, I'm gonna keep bashing the log.
Speaker A:Hits you right in the head. Everything goes black.
Speaker C:False sense of security from the last win.
Speaker A:The other three girls continue beating upon Vadim Lyney. What would you like to do?
Speaker E:He is going to. All right. He's going to gather his senses for a moment. He's going to take his turn to look around the area and see.
Using his deep knowledge of the occult to see if there's anything in the area that could be done to disrupt the psychosis of these ladies. And if that's not something I can do, please tell me. Do something different.
Speaker A:You do not see anything that even twigs a moment of your scholarship that could help you in this life or death situation. You're holding this knife. You're watching out of the corner of your eye as Zachariah beats one of the girls.
She spins around and slams his head with a piece of lumber. And he falls backwards, stiff as a board, and lands against the ground. She looks at you, a fury, an insane fury in her eyes.
She seems to be targeting you. Next you realize you don't have time to be a scholar. You only have time to either live or die.
Speaker E:He is going to attempt to. The girl that he came up behind and failed to stab in the back. He's going to attempt to.
I forget the word grapple and put the knife to her throat and say like. If he can do that. He's going to shout like, stay back. But he's going to attempt to do that. That'll be the movie.
Speaker A:Absolutely. Roll your unarmed.
Speaker E:Nope. No, no, not tonight. Not tonight.
Speaker A:For letters, you go ahead and try to grab her from behind and one of her elbows slams you in the ribs, knocks you backwards. She spins around just as manic and furious as the other.
Speaker E:How sad if we get done in via the sorority sisters and not the two hulking, evil gross pustules. Just saying.
Speaker A:Sophie, it's your turn.
Speaker C:I'm Danoka on ammo and my pistol, question mark.
Speaker A:If you ask, you have to roll a luck. Go ahead and roll your luck.
Speaker C:Damn it. Failure. Click, click. What do you mean click?
Speaker A:Click, click. You're out of ammo.
Speaker C:Oh, okay.
Speaker A:You've used all of your bullets. Shooting giant hulking creatures and this sorority sister a few times.
Speaker C:So now I switch to my remington870.
Speaker A:I don't think you also brought your shotgun with you. I don't even know where that would be stored on your body. I thought we had dis. I think last time it was your micro.
Uzi and your pistol that you brought with with you on this.
Speaker C:Not gonna lie, I don't know what a Remington is without googling it. So it's a shotgun.
Speaker A:Big old freaking shotgun. Yeah.
Speaker C:Okay. All right, so let me see here. I'm out of ammo. I'm not gonna toss my gun because that's silly. I re holster my pistol.
And is the person the sister to my right? Okay, which one's the one that Zachariah just went for? Wasn't Lenny.
Speaker A:Right?
Speaker C:It was Zachariah.
Speaker A:You know, you just saw Zachariah get hit in the head and he fell backwards.
Speaker C:Okay. Cause I'm gonna. Okay, I'm bringing the Charleston. Shuffle back. I'm moving over in front of him. Shuffle, shuffle, sidestep, sidestep.
And because I am out of ammo, I'm kind of going to go in now unarmed. And also sweet cat burglar, you know, kick dance moves. That's what we're doing.
Speaker A:Yeah, you're gonna do a sweet kick. Go ahead and roll your unarmed, please.
Speaker C:Yes. Critical success. 11 out of 60. Awesome.
Speaker A:Woo. Nice. Go ahead and roll your damage. Twice.
Speaker C:Did you say twice?
Speaker A:Yeah, yeah, it's a critical success. I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to.
Speaker C:Three and one.
Speaker A:Okay, you go ahead and pirouette your way over and connect your foot directly into the throat of this sortie sister who has just clocked Zachariah in the head with a log.
Speaker B:Not the log, you think.
Speaker A:She stumbles backwards, choking, dropping the log. Sorry, it's. It's pretty funny.
Speaker C:I wish I heard what you said.
Speaker A:Sorry.
Speaker D:Poop.
Speaker B:It's a poop joke, y'all. I can't not do it.
Speaker A:Yeah, you kick her right in the throat and she backs away, choking, having dropped the log. All right, the one that spins around. Lenny launches herself at you and she attacks you. All right, do you want to try to dodge or anything?
Speaker E:Yes, I would love to.
Speaker A:It doesn't look like she's going to hit, but you can try to dodge anything coming your way during this turn. Or wait until your own turn.
Speaker E:No, I will. He would dodge. He would try to dodge.
Speaker A:Okay, roll your Dodge.
Speaker E:Success. 17 to 30.
Speaker A:Nice. She launches herself at you, grasping at you furiously as you sidestep her.
Swiftly, she runs past you in an almost comical fashion and spins back around, frothing at the mouth. All right, one girl begins to crawl away. That's the one with the spiky orange hair. Finish her. Another continues to beat Vadim.
The one you Just kicked. Sophie is choking, and she feebly attempts to strike back. Ashy with just a straight up punch. And it's. It's quite obvious what she's up to.
She whiffs pretty bad. You don't even really have to back up too much. And another one continues to beat on Vadim.
Speaker D:Poor Vadim.
Speaker A:Lyney, what would you like to do?
Speaker E:He is once again going to attempt to grapple and take control of one of the women to. The thought process here is if he can get one, be like, I'm gonna.
Speaker A:Oh, yeah, everybody back off.
Speaker E:You know, you don't have to tell.
Speaker A:Me your thought process. Tell me what you do.
Speaker E:That's what he's gonna try to do. He's gonna try it again.
Speaker A:Is it gonna be the same girl that just ran past him as he dodged?
Speaker E:Yes, because I'm. Yeah, she's off. Let's say she's off balance or something. I mean, I know she's not, but Lenny's thinking that, so.
Speaker A:Okay, if you go. So I gave you a free dodge last time. This time, if you commit. If you commit to an attack, you won't be able to dodge.
So you can either commit to attack or dodge.
Speaker E:He's gonna commit to the grapple or.
Speaker A:You can wait and fight back.
Speaker E:He's gonna. Yeah, he's gonna attack unarmed.
Speaker A:Unarmed.
Speaker E:Success. 39 of 40.
Speaker A:Gotcha. All right, she's gonna try to fight back, and this will take her turn. Even with a minus 20%. She succeeded, but she succeeded with a higher skill.
Or, I'm sorry, a higher roll.
You go ahead and grab both her wrists and twist her around, and you are now grabbing her from the back, holding her wrists down in front of her body, holding her in a simple pin for now.
Speaker E:He did have a knife in one of his hands.
Speaker A:Yep. It's in your hand. So is her wrist.
Speaker E:Okay.
Speaker A:Could get difficult. We'll see what happens. All right, Sophie, what would you like to do?
Speaker C:Hmm. That felt pretty good last time. I think I'm gonna take my chances again. I mean, it's really all I can do without a weapon, so.
Only this time, I'm not gonna, I guess, kick. I think I might go in for a punch. I'm gonna come wailing with a punch.
Speaker A:Roll that. Unarmed. Heyo.
Speaker C:Success.
Speaker A:Roll that. Damage, damage, damage.
Speaker C:What the hell? Zero. What?
Speaker A:You go ahead and you swing and you connect to. Well, you meant to go for the, you know, her jaw, but she moved out of the way at the last moment. You hit her in the side of the neck.
You're not sure you did much. She goes in to give you a punch as well.
Speaker C:It was not equivalent to a throat punch, unfortunately.
Speaker A:She stumbles as she puts all of her strength into this punch, flies past you, and basically belly flops onto the dusty ground behind you. You hear her grunt with pain. All right, Lenny, the one that you're dealing with is going to try to get out of your grapple.
She struggles, but she just. You've really got her pinned, right? Punching Vadim. Punching Vadim. This one continues to crawl away.
She's pretty much out of the dying embers of the fire now. You could barely see her shadowy form crawling away. There is a blood trail, though.
Speaker D:She's got the pointy hat, Lyney, you've.
Speaker A:Got this girl pen. She's struggling, but she's not making much headway. What would you like to do?
Speaker E:I'm gonna try to put my knife to her throat and say, everybody, everybody cool out. Stop. Everybody cool out, man.
Speaker A:You get the knife up to her throat, she's gibbering, spittle foaming down her chin, her eyes lolling backwards insanely. And you yell. You yell this out to the other wild and crazed women who ignore you completely. All right, that's your turn.
Speaker E:Oh, good.
Speaker A:I mean, I tried to set the stages. These girls are fucking.
Speaker E:Oh, no, no, don't worry. Me as John totally got it. But poor Lenny, he's not, you know, he's the best man.
Speaker A:Why are you trying to kill your boy Lenny again?
Speaker E:I'm not trying to kill. I don't think you'd run away.
Speaker B:If the plane's going down, you might as well help it.
Speaker A:Sophie, you're up.
Speaker C:Oh, gosh. I'm gonna try to, hmm, Grab another weapon. Is there. Did Lenny happen to drop his pepper spray or is that still on his person?
Speaker A:You have no idea where that is?
Speaker C:Okay.
Speaker A:You don't even know if that was pepper spray. You've been in the middle of fighting. That's an incredible fight. Yeah, you really.
You have very little understanding of what's occurred to the other player characters. You're pretty much in your zone right now.
Speaker C:Okay, well, I would like to look around and see if there's anything I can grab. Maybe a drumstick or just a tree limb, anything a rock that I can pick up from around the fire.
Speaker A:Oh, there's the tree limb that this one dropped.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker A:This one clocked Zachariah with.
Speaker C:Absolutely. If that's close enough to me, I'm gonna grab that tree limb and go to bonker across the head as well.
Speaker A:You pick it up deftly and you slam it down on her head. Go ahead and roll your melee. It's a plus 20%.
Speaker D:Woo.
Speaker C:Six.
Speaker A:All right, you go ahead and bring this down on her head with a sickening thud. You hear her begin mewling pathetically as blood begins welling out from one of her ears. You see that part of her head is concaved.
Go ahead and roll your sanity from violence. Fuck.
Speaker C:That'S appropriate. A concaved head. That sucks.
Speaker A:Would you like to project any potential loss?
Speaker C:Um, I don't think my willpower can withstand that.
Speaker A:Uh, probably not, no.
Speaker C:Nope.
Speaker A:If you get down to two, you have an emotional breakdown.
Speaker C:Mm. Well, fuck it. Excuse my French. Yeah, sure. I'm gonna project. Did you say no, you're not gonna excuse my French?
Speaker A:No, it's never excused.
Speaker C:Okay, here we go.
Speaker A:All right, so you lose two willpower than brings you down to two and two from a bond of your choice.
Speaker C:Yeah, I'm taking it away from Vinny, my arms dealer, all right? He can handle it.
Speaker A:So you are now going to suffer a minus 20% penalty across all your actions. While your willpower is 2 or below.
You begin hyperventilating, seeing this girl's blood, the blood of her brain dripping through her ears because of this sickening crunch that you've brought down upon her skull from above. You back up. A panic attack beginning to rise up in your chest and begin shaking. All right, that's your turn.
All right, Lenny, she's gonna try to get out of your grasp again. She's really making a go of it.
Speaker E:She's the knife to her throat, so hopefully she doesn't.
Speaker A:Oh, yeah, she's totally, totally logical and reasonable.
Speaker E:Oh, I'm just gonna say go ahead.
Speaker A:And roll your strength or unarmed, whichever's higher.
Speaker E:I'm just worried she's gonna cut her own throat with a knife and then Letty's gonna go, oh, no sanity.
Speaker A:That would be a critical fail situation. We'll see what happens. All right.
Speaker E:What, am I rolling again?
Speaker A:Sorry, you're rolling either your strength or your unarmed, whichever is higher.
Speaker E:Oh, boy, failure.
Speaker A:She wrenches herself free from your grasp and spins and tries to bite you on the hand.
Speaker E:Huh, she does have rabies.
Speaker D:I'll go in the water.
Speaker A:Yeah, she critically successed with a. With a detriment. That's amazing.
Speaker E:No, with a bite.
Speaker B:A gnashing of teeth just bites.
Speaker A:Oh, I'm rolling good too.
Speaker E:It's going to be like.
Speaker D:Next time we See, Lenny, he's going to have less precious digits.
Speaker E:It's like from dusk till dawn. Hand just flies off.
Speaker A:I'm thinking about taking a digit. She slammed down her teeth on your hand. The one that was just grasping her. That's not holding the knife. And she rips away a huge chunk of flesh.
You wash as part of your hand is degloved. You can see the skin between her teeth as she chews it and laughs.
Speaker E:Degloved.
Speaker A:That's her turn.
Speaker E:Dude.
Speaker A:Dude, that's her turn.
Speaker D:At least she didn't take one of your precious digits. Yes.
Speaker A:A couple of these girls continue to beat Vadim.
Speaker E:That's keeping us alive right now.
Speaker A:Deebs, the one that Sophie is pummeling over the skull, is mewling weakly and trying to crawl away. Lyney, you involuntarily scream with pain as blood begins to spill forth from your hand.
One of your precious, precious hands holding onto precious, precious digits. And you watch as she chews your skin between her teeth, slowly laughing. What would you like to do? Oh, besides world sanity for helplessness?
Please do that first.
Speaker E:Yeah.
Speaker D:Again. At least they're having fun.
Speaker A:All right, I'm not going to make you guess about projection. You critically succeeded. You watch her eat you in the dying embers of the bonfire. What would you like to do?
Speaker E:Uh. Yikes. Let's attack her with my knife. And now I don't feel bad about stabbing her in the face.
Speaker A:Nah. Yeah, it's not a problem. Now go ahead and roll. Melee.
Speaker B:Okay, let's do it.
Speaker A:Or a knife. Sorry.
Speaker E:I failed.
Speaker A:Yeah. You yell in pain in fleeing yourself forward, trying to stab her.
She definitely moves to the side, similar to a Charleston Shuffle, but not quite there.
Speaker B:More like a Charleston Chew.
Speaker A:Yeah. Yeah. She continues to chew the flesh, focusing more on that side of the Charleston maneuver. Sophie, it's your turn.
Speaker C:Okay. This girl, she's in bad shape, but she's still kicking.
Speaker A:She's crawling away. Her head is misshapen and blood is coming out of her ears as she mewls pathetically. You are now shaking nearly uncontrollably.
Speaker C:I'm in bad shape. Yeah. I would like to try and reach Vadim. I'm gonna move towards him to sort of.
Speaker B:He's pulp.
Speaker C:How pulp are we talking?
Speaker B:He's almost a soup at this point.
Speaker A:You turn around and make your way to Vadim and the two girls who can team to beat upon his prostrate form. And you roll your sanity for helplessness.
Speaker C:No.
Speaker A:Would you like to project any potential Loss.
Speaker C:No.
Speaker D:Oh boy. You start beating Vadim's dead body.
Speaker C:I'm emotionally distraught over here. Sunken heads are not great. Even if I did do that, they're.
Speaker D:Not supposed to be that way.
Speaker C:Nope.
Speaker A:Cool. There it is. Just want to get the right roll here.
Speaker C:You have so much happiness in your voice.
Speaker D:He takes so much joy torturing and murdering us.
Speaker A:You can see that his neck is broken. It's at the wrong angle. And his tongue rolls out of his mouth disgustingly. His face is a swollen purple mess.
Speaker E:Oh man.
Speaker A:One of his arms is bent back behind his back and his legs are crinkled in a way that. Well, it's impossible. And you almost, almost vomit immediately upon seeing this man destroy.
Speaker C:Bleh. That. He was my dad.
Speaker D:Was.
Speaker C:Was my Russian dad.
Speaker A:That's your turn.
Speaker C:Yep.
Speaker B:Skeepity.
Speaker C:I believe it.
Speaker A:No, you can't say it anymore. Well, maybe as a ghost we'll get.
Speaker B:There from some sort of nether heaven. Vadim frowns down at everybody.
Speaker D:Mm, heaven.
Speaker C:The doo doo train.
Speaker B:Did you just find the Lyney?
Speaker A:This sister lunges towards you again. Her mouth still full of your flesh. You push her away angrily. One of the girls beating Vadim looks up at you, Sophie, and smiles.
She stands and cracks her neck. The other continues beating Vadim. Now we know it's Vadim's corpse. Unfortunately. Lyney, what would you like to do with your turn?
Speaker E:I will attempt to stab her in the face again.
Speaker A:Go for it.
Speaker E:I feel like this point we gotta. We gotta take. Take these psycho zombie cultists down.
Speaker D:I mean, she's got your. Your hand skin.
Speaker E:She does.
Speaker A:She's going to.
Speaker E:I failed. All right.
Speaker C:Come on, Lenny.
Speaker A:She basically crouches down. You swing wildly in the air. It's getting darker and darker because the flames are almost out.
You can smell the burning char of one of the large creatures, but you can no longer really see it. Everything's becoming shadowed. She ducks down deftly by the way of your flailing arms.
She smiles, laughs, and continues to chew and swallow the part of your hand that she absconded with.
Speaker E:Great.
Speaker A:Sophie. You look up and see this girl's about to strike you. What would you like to do?
Speaker C:I'd like to think that I could dodge and just like karate chop. Did that come through?
Speaker A:Go ahead and roll your unarmed. Yes, some of it did, but I assume you want to punch her, so go ahead and roll.
Speaker C:I'm going to Karate Chopper.
Speaker A:Sure.
Speaker C:That's what I did.
Speaker A:Karate chopper. It's a minus 20% because you're having an emotional break.
Speaker C:Oh, yeah. This sucks ass.
Speaker B:Fighting through an emotional breakdown is hard. I do it all the time.
Speaker C:Success.
Speaker B:Well done.
Speaker A:Go ahead and roll your damage.
Speaker C:Holy schnike balls.
Speaker A:Knife.
Speaker C:Palm one. It makes sense.
Speaker A:In the dying light, you karate chop in her gentle direction.
Speaker E:She.
Speaker A:She dodges most of it. You hit her in the side of the head. She grunts and laughs.
Speaker D:Bitch should have done a judo chop.
Speaker A:Yeah, for sure.
Speaker C:Karate wasn't as good as a judo. If I was emotionally strong right now, it would have been a judo.
Speaker A:The girl you're dealing with, Lenny, makes this laughing, chortling sound as she continues to swallow the rest of your flesh. Finally, she's done, and she laughs, wiping her mouth.
Speaker B:This is totally a sorority I want to join.
Speaker C:Can I wake Zachariah up? Like, what the hell? How passed out is he?
Speaker D:Somewhere between knocked out and dead.
Speaker C:Dear God.
Speaker D:And possibly just dead.
Speaker A:One of the girls keeps beating Vadim. Another one that you just tried to karate chop is going to attack you, Sophie. You hear her flailing in the night.
You're not sure where her fists are landing, but they're definitely not on you.
Speaker C:Karma's a bitch.
Speaker A:Lenny, it's your turn.
Speaker E:He's in a knife fight with the cannibals, so let's do it. Oh, come. I gotta hit Lyney.
Speaker D:Really?
Speaker A:It's getting very dark.
Speaker C:Failure.
Speaker A:And you're both swinging through the air.
Speaker E:Mathematically, I should have hit her at least once.
Speaker C:Zero connection.
Speaker E:Fucking hell.
Speaker A:Sophie, what would you like to do to. Minus 20% for any skills?
Speaker C:How far away am I from Zachariah?
Speaker A:You turn around, spinning, looking for Zachariah's crumpled form. There's blood everywhere. Huge gouts of some sort of viscous ichor. Chunks of flesh. You roll your alertness. Minus 20%.
Speaker C:I should have learned to quit asking questions.
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker C:Success.
Speaker A:See Zachariah's crumpled form, half covered in what must be the innards of one of these creatures. It's a few paces away from you as this woman in front of you tries to kill you.
Speaker D:Does she see my tire iron?
Speaker A:Nope.
Speaker D:Dang.
Speaker A:She does see this woman trying to kill her, though, that she's in Mortal Kombat with.
Speaker C:Is that my action, or can I still perform an action?
Speaker A:You can perform an action.
Speaker C:Do I still have that tree limb?
Speaker A:Yep.
Speaker C:Okay, I want to swing this thing at this girl coming for me.
Speaker D:All right.
Speaker A:Melee weapons. Minus 20%.
Speaker C:We're talking full emotional. Bring out the Arnold Schwarzenegger. Yes. Aye. Aye. Aye. Aye. Aye. That's not it. What the Hell. Failure.
Speaker A:You swing, it rushes through the night air. You fail to connect. You're actually not sure where she went. It's getting so dark. Maybe she ducked. You scan from side to side.
Everything's moving so fast. It's a blur.
Speaker C:So blurry. What time is that? Don't answer.
Speaker D:It's really close to midnight.
Speaker A:This was midnight.
Speaker C:Oh, it's gotta be past midnight, right? I thought. Oh no. We were there an hour early.
Speaker A:You hear from the treeline someone say.
Speaker D:Keep at least one of them alive.
Speaker B:Uh oh.
Speaker A:Go forth, sisters.
Speaker E:Oh, no.
Speaker C:I feel like that means me, Lenny. Oh, no, wait. Zacharias just knocked out. There's a lot of rolls. There's extra people coming on our axe.
Speaker B:Yep, the cavalry.
Speaker C:The cavalry is here. Almost.
Speaker A:The sad whiff fight between Lenny and Cannibal Girl continues whiffing. You can hear this girl trying to pounce towards you. And you see her for a moment out of the corner of your eye, and you don't even have to move.
She tries to hit you in the stomach and she sort of does, but it really doesn't connect.
Speaker C:Well, she's in about the same state as I am. It sounds like.
Speaker A:You hear laughter as women emerge from the edge of the clearing. A couple are carrying bats. One of them is holding what looks like barbed wire as a garrote. They smile.
You see a tall, beautiful girl you recognize as Noel D'Ambrosia. She seems to be directing the others. Take at least one, she repeats. Lenny, what would you like to do?
Speaker C:Lenny?
Speaker E:So you see them all coming?
Speaker A:Absolutely. You see them? There's still enough light and they're not doing anything to hide their presence. They look confident as they stride towards the carnage.
Speaker C:By shit, do you mean you're still pooping your pants? Lenny?
Speaker E:He ran out of poop a while ago, I'm afraid.
Speaker A:Roll. Just kidding.
Speaker E:Does he still have poop? And he does not have poop either.
Speaker A:He's out of poop.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker E:Lenny is going to. In the face of insurmountable odds and the death of all of his compatriots, he is going to run away. Can't believe I'm gonna say it.
He's just gonna turn tail and hoof it.
Speaker C:I hope you're a better runner than anything else.
Speaker A:Okay, so he's gonna go north, I guess. Away from the encroaching army of sorority sisters.
Speaker B:Into the water.
Speaker C:Into the water?
Speaker E:Yeah, whatever the direction is. Away from the encroaching system.
Speaker C:Oh my God. Are you gonna swim?
Speaker B:Just as you run into the water A Cthulhu comes out.
Speaker E:He's just.
Speaker A:I'm gonna play death clocks into the water. Nice. That's perfect. As you run in that direction again, it's towards trees.
You know, there's a coastline over there, but that's where you start running. The girl behind you sprints after you, laughing. She seems hungry. Sophie, what would you like to do?
Speaker C:Freaking criminy. I'm still swinging.
Speaker A:All right, roll that unarmed. Minus 20%, please.
Speaker C:I don't think I even noticed Lenny running away like a little non man.
Speaker A:Mmm. Nice, nice. Roll your damage.
Speaker C:Come on.
Speaker B:Ugh.
Speaker C:0 dammit.
Speaker A:You swing again. You do connect. But it's so tough now that. Well, you think there's people behind you.
You saw Zachariah maybe dead just like Vadim, and it just doesn't connect. Well, this isn't. This isn't going at all like you thought it would. Your teeth start to chatter.
Speaker C:I think I'm having an anxiety attack. I'm definitely having an anxiety attack.
Speaker A:The girl behind you continues to doggedly doggedly pursue you. Lyney, the girl in front of you, Sophie, swings, misses. It's just pathetic. The one beating Vadim stands up and launches herself at you as well.
Sophie, she gets a plus 20%.
Speaker C:She's pretty healthy.
Speaker A:Mm. And she succeeds. She slams her fist into your throat. Karmic justice.
You feel the air choke in your trachea as you cough loudly, clutching at your throat. You back up as these two women begin attempting to do to you what they did to Vadim.
Speaker C:Fuck my life.
Speaker A:As you back up, you hear two sorority sisters laughing behind you. One of them says, lie down, bitch.
Speaker B:Shit.
Speaker A:God. All right, Lenny, are you going to continue to run away?
Speaker E:Hell yeah, I'm running away. I mean, I'm not. Lenny's running away, but hell yeah, he's gonna keep running away.
Speaker A:Sophie, what would you like to do?
Speaker C:Okay, so I just got punched in the throat, and that's almost the worst. Hmm. Okay, so she punched me. Did that knock me back? How close are these women around me now that I got after I just got punched in the throat?
Uh, now I take it back. I don't wanna ask a question. I too am going to try to run away. I don't know how realistic that is.
Speaker A:Sure, sure, sure. You're gonna try to run, run away. Go to enroll your athletics. Minus 20%.
Speaker C:Mm.
Speaker D:You gotta jute.
Speaker C:Oh, God. Failure.
Speaker A:You go ahead and turn away from these two women who are attacking you, and they grab onto your back as you try to just give them the Old juke and jive. And you run smack dab into two others.
Speaker C:Charleston's shuffle failed me. I'm not quite myself right now.
Speaker A:They begin to pull you down to the ground. Holding your arms tight. They hold you onto the ground as you watch Noel D'Ambrosia. She slowly walks over laughing.
There's just the glare of starlight now providing only the faintest glimmer of light. And she goes drink up. Hold her mouth open. Something foul is forced down your throat and everything changes. Lyney. You continue to run.
Run as fast as you can. You hear the girls behind you and you roll your luck.
Speaker E:Okay. 94 out of 50. A failure again.
Speaker C:That's a failure. Lenny.
Speaker A:You didn't sear. It was dark. It was impossible. Hell, you were lucky enough that you were as sure footed as you were up to this point. But she was there.
Maybe waiting in the darkness for you. Two bullet holes in her body doesn't seem to matter. The girl with spiky orange hair. She grabs your feet as you run by and trips you.
The two in pursuit fall upon you. They sit on your chest. They hold down your arms. They beat you senseless.
And when you think the pain is going to be too much, when you think blessed unconsciousness will finally rob you of this horror, you see Noel D'Ambrosia looming over you holding what looks like a black clay cup full of some sort of gray white liquid. She pours. Pours it down your throat. They make you swallow by massaging your.
Speaker B:Well, at least it ends in a.
Speaker A:Happy ending by massaging your neck.
You can't help but sputter some of it up and they sop it and put it right back in until every drop, every drop has been painfully forced down your gullet. The next thing you say as your body begins to shake, change and tremor. And that's the end of our game tonight.
Speaker D:We did it.
Speaker C:But we didn't do it.
Speaker A:We did it.
Speaker B:We finished.
Speaker E:And we created a wonderful piece of collaborative art while doing it.